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Matrix Morpheus Meme | WHAT IF I TOLD YOU; THAT GOD AND JESUS DO NOT HATE GAYS AND IT'S THE CHURCH THAT DOES | image tagged in memes,matrix morpheus | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5,624 views 56 upvotes Made by JaredGoff16 7 years ago in fun
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But That's None Of My Business Meme | LOVE THE SINNER... HATE THE SIN BUT I’M NOT GOD, SO IT’S NONE OF MY BUSINESS | image tagged in memes,but thats none of my business,kermit the frog | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Never let a problem become more important than the person that needs to be loved..
God said “ Love one another”, not love them only if they keep all my commandments.
In that case, we all are screwed cause NONE of us are perfect.
2 ups, 7y,
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Very true. Another problem is that many Christians tend to put homosexuality in its own category, when it is in fact no different than any other sin. One of the strongest Christians I know is tempted by homosexuality, and describes it as being exactly the same as every other temptation he has faced.
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I have a very dear friend who says he has had a same sex attraction since we were kids.
He has never acted in his attraction.
Although he did marry a very masculine female. They have been happily married for 23 years, are best of friends and have several awesome kids.
She knows about his same sex attraction, Love, accepts and supports him as he struggles with it often.
He says it is like an alcoholic... you crave a drink, but know just one drink will put you on a spiral path you don’t want to go down and will only lead to absolute misery.... but the struggle is real.
I admire him, and anyone overcoming an addiction for keeping their personal goals of self control.

Although he is a church going guy, for him, it isn’t about the tenets of his religion... for him it just isn’t a lifestyle he wants to have. He loves his family and is happy in his decision long ago to be a faithful husband and dad.
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That's great to hear! As for the religion thing, no act or lifestyle should be motivated by compulsion from religion, but rather from a recognition of how God in His wisdom knows what is best for His creation, and in His love has taught that will to us.
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J | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Is it moot to point out that if Jesus said to love your enemies, who then is left for one to hate?
Let me ask that again.
If you are not allowed to hate your enemies who can you hate?

I have a very hard time with all of that "love your enemy" part. I do not call myself a Christian because of my many failures in being Christ-like. No matter what these so called "Christians" may say, they can not change the Word. It is false when they say anything about God hating gays, or that God commands the hatred of gays, etc.
Hating the sin is one thing, hating the sinner is another. And since we all sin.... One can hardly knock on one sin being worst than another one. Except for blasphemy against The Holy Spirit. I believe that is the unpardonable one.
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Right. He doesn’t hate them jus as He doesn’t hate a man that cheats on his wife or the unconscious drug addict. However, it is a sin.
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Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for heresy. Now she's a saint. Galileo was convicted of heresy for saying the earth revolved around the sun. As people become more enlightened, so does the Roman Catholic Church and other denominations of Christianity. However, not all Christian churches believe homosexuality is a sin.
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Christianity should not be based on the changing views of the church at large (many within the church are not even believers), but on the unchanging word of God (that is, the Bible)
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And yet many parts of the Bible have been rewritten, edited, added to and updated over the past millennium .
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Probably my favorite Bible story ... It wasn't found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and some historians believe it has Greek origins.
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The Bible is not an authoritative list of books, but rather a list of books that are authoritative. Every one of the 66 books of the Bible has been proven authentic and is connected either to the Old Testament prophets or the New Testament apostles. While some have made edits to their own versions of the Bible (like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have, or like Jeferson's "the life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth), the vast majority of modern translations are faithful and maintain the original message of the early manuscripts
5 ups, 7y
Something many don't seem to understand is that God hates the sin, not the sinner.
4 ups, 7y
And what if I told you that that is an over-generalization and that not everybody in the church hates gays.
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Damn you iPhone keyboard, lol
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I can't say I've ever spoken to the man upstairs about this personally, but the bible is pretty unclear about homosexuality. while in the Old testament (leviticus impaticular) he said you shall be with a aman as you would with a woman that was god's law to moses and his people at the time which is why i think alot of people take that verse out of context. It was never brought up again until the new testament when paul said that it's an abomination, but that's his personal opinion not that of god or jesus.
2 ups, 7y
If you believe that the Bible is just someone's opinion then the discussion is rather pointless.
1 up, 7y
Actually, regarding Moses, God was telling Moses that he is to treat his enemies as God would treat them. With love. It has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Romans talks briefly about the sins of the flesh, which includes homosexuality, among others. Bestiality is mentioned as well.

God specifically talks about (through profits who translate His words) sin and the punishment of sin. He also talks about how to avoid the ultimate punishment of sin.
3 ups, 7y
3 ups, 7y,
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I suppose people's opinions on that tend to depend on how relevant they consider OT law to be today given the NT.
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Well actually when the you shall not be with a man as you would with a woman thing was said to Moses, that was the law to his people of that time in leviticus, it was never a ten commandment and it's only brought up again by paul in the New Testament who said that it's an abomination. But paul isn't god or jesus
0 ups, 7y
Paul was an apostle filled with the Holy Spirit and divinely inspired, however. In Corinthians, when giving advice to the unmarried, he qualified his advice as being his own, and not divinely authoritative. He makes no such distinction when speaking on the sins of the flesh
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1 up, 7y
Well said! So many people want comfort now that they prefer the "kisses of an enemy" over the "faithful wounds of a friend". True love sometimes requires tough love
2 ups, 7y
I would tell you that it isn't the Church but certain people. John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you so must you love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
2 ups, 7y
Speaking the Truth in Love is not hatred. Homosexuality is sinful, in fact it's one of the several other abominations that God especially hates because it destroys a fundamental foundation of the human condition. That doesn't mean that they can't be repentant and receive Salvation and Forgiveness from God. Christ said to follow Him. He did not say to follow my followers. If there is any hatred for the homosexual, or anyone, then they are none of His. Loving another person does not mean that you accept and embrace their sins. The [true] Church judges out of righteousness and love, not out of hatred and damnation.
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0 ups, 7y,
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Supposedly this god makes a planet, puts animals on it, sprinkles huge numbers of observable homosexual behaviours throughout the animal kingdom, makes humans, gives them a sex drive/love concept so strong they'll risk death to fulfill it, some of them have the same love for their same sex partner as you do for yours and will similarly go to any lengths to protect and be with them, but then in his infinite wisdom is like, "Dont f**k or I'll kill you." ?? Really? What a cruel f**king asshole
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I don’t think God ever said that. The path to salvation is through Christ. Once you accept Christ as your savior changes begin to happen. The veil is removed. However we still have freewill and can choose to love a Christ centered life or not.
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Substitute kill for punish...ffs
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Ffs... read the Bible for yourself. The New Testament is about grace and forgiveness.

The homosexual that struggles with sin and is repentant is forgiven and not punished. Replace homosexual with adulterer, addict, even murderer. Christ died so that we can have a restored relationship with God. Nothing is about punishment but rather forgiveness.

The Bible says it rains on the righteous and unrighteous alike. This can mean good or bad. Just because one is a Christian doesn’t mean they are exempt from trials and calamity. It also doesn’t mean that they get everything they want. The “name it and claim it” theology.

It also says that the birds of the field neither real nor sow and God provides for them. Ffs read it before you put words into it.
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Cover to cover twice bro. Raised christian, stayed that way until 27. My arguement is that the god in there set up a reality wherein you would fight and die for the people you love and so would homosexuals and yet they dont get to do so without punishment. Would you accept this punishment? Would you take damnation to be with your love if a god said your love was destestable?
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Would you remain in a sinful lifestyle of adultery or drugs or and endless list because you loved the lifestyle?
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There's debauchery gay and straight and its clearly not what im talking about. Im talking a real, whilesome, loving relationship just like you have with whoever you love but between two men. Would you let a god tell you that you couldnt be with who you love? The bible is just another religious text, one of the many that thinks god punishes homosexuals because theyre detestable to him.
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It doesn’t specify punishment for homosexuals. It’s the same argument that people make for many other reasons. You are trying to humanize the Word and you cannot do that. While it might be true love in the worlds standard it’s not Gods standard. But God is a loving God and offers forgiveness. Jesus changes hearts and opens eyes.
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"Humanize" haha wasnt "humanizing" his commands the whole point of coalescing them into a book? I guess humanizing is only the point of writing your instructions down where and when it lines up with the readers predispositions. That way if you find a logical quandry or contradiction, youre just not interpreting it right. And since you seem so determined to skirt around my hypothetical, I'll just guess what you would do if god outlawed your love. My guess is youd keep on loving, whether illegal, socially or theologically rejected, or anything else because thats what humans do and have been doing since there have been humans
0 ups, 7y
No, it wasn’t. It’s a sin but it doesn’t send you to hell just because of it.

Narrow is the gate that leads to righteousness. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction.

I’ll leave you here to believe what you want. I trust is God who is a loving a forgiving God. Even in my sinful life Christ died for me and I believe that. You choose not to so that is your choice.
0 ups, 7y
0 ups, 7y
your meme contained god and gays, so i felt as if
it was mandatory to post this here
0 ups, 7y
those who claim homosexuality goes against god, as well as every other rule in religion is nothing more than a self-righteous prick
0 ups, 7y
Ah, it takes me back to the sermon on the mount, 'Blessed are the meek as they will inherit the earth, oh and by the way, God hates f*gs'.

It's amazing how many Christians forget that passage.
0 ups, 7y
I would LOVE to post my opinion on this matte but knowing how the world is now some dumbass would try to track me down and kill me or hack me or something stupid like that and tbh i dont feel like starting fights XD
maybe later though >->
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Leviticus 20:13 he may not hate them, but he wants them killed.
2 ups, 7y
Romans, God applied amnisty and said don't do that no more.
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