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ccrapatriot (54775)
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Star of David in politics
0 ups, 3mo
I challenge you then to find any other country that exists today, having been mentioned as the predominant and chosen nation in the single most influential collection of books throughout all of human history, which came back from the brink of extinction MULTIPLE TIMES, as the Bible predicted, after facing the full might of the Great Roman Empire and has weathered through more adversity, perseverance, and several failed attempts at total genocide and annihilation, more than any other group of people in history, inwhich said forementioned threat still persists today, also as God in the Bible has promised. Their existence is totally Supernatural.
Star of David in politics
0 ups, 1y
God promised it to them in the Bible. The issue is settled FOR-EV-ER! He also said that Israel's own brother would be a wild ass of a man in the land, bloodthirsty and against everyone.

Isreal whined about it. ? šŸ¤£ Imagine you own a home, and some bigots run you out of town, but you fight to get it back, and after a long long battle you're finally ALLOWED to return, but when you do you find squatters living in your rightful home and claiming it's theirs. Instead of kicking them out however, you offer to live with with them, but they promptly piss on you and say: from the river to the sea, from you I will be fee. Imagine the hypocrisy of a non people wanting land that was NEVER theirs.
michael jackson eating popcorn in politics
8 ups, 1y
hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people.
"anti-Semitic remarks were posted on the site"

Come back when you have an argument. Palestine has never been a country and the Jews have never not occupied it.
Star of David in politics
1 up, 1y
Sorry, didn't know palestine was ever a country. Also, kind of hard to take land that was yours to begin with, granted by God and the UN and land that was occupied by Jews for thousands of years even after the Romans called the region palestine. But hey that's okay can't argue with soulless beasts.