That wasn't with Trump. Putin is afraid of Trump. He didn't respect Obama or Biden. Why do you think Trump's 2016 term was the only term since the 90s that didn't see a Putin border invasion?
Biden gave Putin the US's best source of external income in 2021 shortly after becoming president. Then he allied with all of the countries on Russia's border and basically begged Putin to retaliate because all these countries are so close to Russia's border that they could send nukes into their country. (Putin also is a dictator and has wanted back all the territory Gorbachev gave away, so he just used this as an excuse to invade Ukrainian territory which he already wanted, but still this would never have happened if Trump were president). And then after the war, he used american taxpayer dollars to send $350 BILLION to Ukraine. Biden literally helped both sides of this war at the US's expense.
Also you're wrong to say nobody gave a damn about Poland. In both world wars, England warned Germany not to mess with Poland before they did, and when Germany did, England immediately entered war with Germany. Heck, Germany invaded Poland just to get to Russia in WW1 (meaning Poland was just a country in the way and they weren't Germany's main target) and England still got pissed and entered the war immediately. In WW2, Germany invading Poland was a statement to piss England off.
If Ukraine wants our help, Zelenskyy should be willing to work to set up peace. He shouldn't walk into our WH and disrespect our leaders and then demand we fight Russia with him and gamble with World War 3. Because that would be a stupid move on our part, and not engaging in a potential WW3 is not "allying with Russia". A WW3 would literally blow this globe out of existence. Nobody could handle it. No matter how corrupt Russia or China are, I don't think anyone really wants to start WW3 and if someone actually does, the nicest thing I can say to them is that I hope they stay far removed from a seat of power.