Well with my ex, she was a bit racist, and she had that sort of mindset, and being a bit of a misfit growing up, it would makes sense her being drawn into something like this. Except by her age, you figure she would have grown up enough already to at least temper it some or just not get so wrapped up in it. She's been married, had a kid, got divorced. She should have found herself long ago.
My classmate, on the other hand, had a lot more going for him, including more brains. He was never lost or rudderless, never had the need to seek something to belong to. He had his stuff together, he got along well with his family, he was popular, he was good looking, you name it.
He was trying to get it to politics, so that might explain it, him trying to appeal to that crowd. But that's the thing, him and my ex giving a similar type of speech on FB.
There was this Alternative Rock site forum that I used to be active on before joining here. There was this dude, a second generation Hardcore Punker type. He was pretty cool. He had some anger issues in real life, but managed to keep it under control on the site.
Anyways after being gone for a couple years, I returned once incognito, and I had to do a thorough checking of his profile just to make sure it wasn't hijacked or somebody just made one using his name and pics for bot/propaganda purposes. Turns out it was definitely him. What got me wondering was that he sounded exactly like the Trumpers on this site, I mean, totally. And he's never been on this site. Same lines, same everything as them. But not sounding like himself.