I also saw a "meme" in the politics stream where someone was saying, "Look! These kids are doing nazi salutes too!" on a picture of 3rd graders doing dabs in 2018.
It still amazes me (and disappoints me) how long it took America to have basic gay rights. (2015 was the first time gay marriage was federally legal)
2003 was the first time homosexuality was federally considered LEGAL. (having homosexual relationships (not married) before that was considered a criminal offense)
I loved my state (Wisconsin) after I found out it was the first state to end discrimination based on sexual orientation (1982) Too bad it voted red in 2024.
There's a lot left and it's sad how long it's taken to have basic human rights in the US.
I think people like Elon Musk who makes roughly $55 million per day are going too far.
To put that in perspective, if someone was making $100,000 per year, they would have to work for 550 years to make what he makes in a day. (16,000+ years to make what he makes in a month)
I don't think governmental redistribution of wealth would work, but I think people who are that rich while others are suffering (for example: 30,000 homeless veterans in the US), have a moral obligation to help others.
It can't be enforced, but I believe he has the potential to help a lot of people if he wants to.