You must be real fun to be around, with your constant questioning of everything any one tells you.
Read what I said. Those monolithic groups are YOUR groups. That is your world. The very small handful of people who agree with you and the other group is everyone you hate. I'll bet you call people like me nazis or fascists.
People are born with DNA that is in an XX or XY pattern. This determines if you are born with a p**is or a va**na. Those are the only 2 genders. That is science and that is the real world.
People who believe there are more than 2 genders either have mental problems or they have been deluded by the left.
Leftist delusion created the notion that gender is a social construct. It is not. Gender is a biological construct. You're either male or female. This is very important because this is how we continue the human population. None of the 6 gazillion fantasy genders do anything to continue the human race.
Having surgery to change genders does nothing to continue the human race.
I watched a Sci Fi show recently were people were leaving the earth to repopulate the race on another planet. They had a gay character on the show. My thought was why did they send him. He's not going to contribute anything to the continuance of the human race. He's just taking up valuable resources.
But that's the state of or entertainment industry, there must be at least 1 gay person on every show, even though A) there's just not nearly as many gay people in real life as are portrayed in TV and movies and B) even if it means absolutely nothing to the plot of the story shows must go out of their way to indicate so-in-so is gay.
And now I'll most likely get punished by ImgFlip for speaking the truth...AGAIN. BTW, ImgFlip mods, I am not disparaging gay people. Carefully read what I said. I don't hate gays and nothing I said indicates that I hate gays. I don't even hate the people who want to make believe they are some new made up gender that never existed before. I'm just speaking the truth.
But speaking the truth, these days, gets you beat up by all the social media outlets.