"No, I blame the people who spread hatred, bigotry, and lies"
That's you guys, not us.
"And yet you just got done accusing me of "(not even knowing) who we are"
I don't know you personally so I can't say anything about you personally. However, why is it that Democrats think that we don't know what you all stand for? I've been hearing that most of my life. I hear Democrat after Democrat complaining that their message is just not getting out.
Your message is reaching us, we're just rejecting it. You message is being preached every time we turn on the TV or take the family to a movie, or send our kids off to school.
The 2nd loudest sound ever recorded was the Krakatoa eruption. The loudest sound is the sound of the Democrat message. The Vulcans, Klingons and Romulans are threatening to destroy the earth unless you guys shut up. It is so loud that it is waking the dead and zombies are roaming the streets. Oh.. wait. My mistake. Those are just Democrats. Nigel Tufnel's amplifier goes to 11. The Democrats message is turned up to 8,909,234,280,957,392,011.
We KNOW who you are and what you think. We just don't want any part of it. Because we do not march in lockstep with you, then you call us names. You think you are the only humans on the planet capable of love, tolerance and understanding but let anyone step out of line and that love, tolerance and understanding goes right out the door. Give me a break.
"Can you make an argument in your own words explaining why you think people like me are 'the bad guys'?"
Everything I have ever said to you is in my own words. Let's start with killing babies. I am sure there are probably about 10 to 20 pro-life Democrats, but outside of that your entire party is dedicated to raising taxes, devaluing the dollar, trashing the economy and killing babies. And if you disagree with any of that then why do you vote for the people raise taxes, devalue the dollar, trash the economy and promote abortion? The definition of insanity is voting for morons and imbeciles and expecting a different result.
You say we hate people but your party is entirely responsible for kicking the poverty level up every single time your twits get power. Biden is directly responsible for the worst inflation since Carter. And what was Carter? Just another Democrat trying to wreck the economy and make everyone's lives miserable. Ya know... because you are so full of love. If you actually loved everyone then you would set us free.