Democrats make promises that they have no intention of keeping, so they can use them to "buy" votes for the next election.
THIS time, however, they will be able to campaign for 2024 saying that it was that evil, wascally Wepubwican Congwess that kept them from being able to make this happen, as well as those evil Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court that the BaD OrAnGe mAn gave us.
And that is all the liberal twits, whose minds are made up based on what their TV tells them to believe, will need to stand in line and vote for more of the same.
- Never mind that a Democrat controlled Senate and House and Oval Office chose not to do it.
- Never mind that it is not within the Executive Branch's authority to do this in the first place.
They had the legislative means to make this happen- the House controls the purse strings for the country, but they chose to do nothing.