So, as I was saying, and you ignored, the gas prices started their rise in the first quarter of 2021.
Your claim: “Like telling the truth and stating TOTAL gasoline taxes in most jurisdictions in the USA surpass $1 per gallon. In some jurisdictions it is far more than $1 per gallon”
Is also inaccurate.
Currently, California has a gas excise tax of 51.1 cents per gallon. That is the highest of any state in the USA. So gasoline taxes do not surpass nor far more than a $1 per gallon.
You’ve continuously said in so many words that I am a liar, while not presenting any contradictory information. You seem to mistake me continuing to engage with you or my need to refrain from making this about me as some kind of slight against my personal ego. While, I’d argue an egotist would do the opposite.
Persepcity and have both maintain intellectual honesty and have helpfully informed me that we are, in fact, printing more money; and how the unemployment rate is actually measured respectively.
I do not always agree with these persons and have observed them to troll but as long as they conduct themselves with me in the conversation we are currently having, I see no reason to make it personal. And I feel both parties walk away with something worth holding on to.
Perspectives, contexts, and facts.
Which is far more valuable than any endorphins you receive from yelling into the echo chamber and getting all the upvotes from likeminded people.
And while I’ll admit my replies to you have far been cordial; those who’ve respected my humble request have been met with gracious and respectful replies even when I was wrong… which seems contradicts your assessment of my character.
Now, you’re very free to believe what you want to believe. Walk away, and feel like you’ve won something. Proved something. You’re free to continue to engage me however you see fit, but if you make this about me again? I won’t entertain your nonsensical accusations as I did here nor bother to steer the conversation back toward the argument.
You’ve lost my interest in trying to do that with you.
But when you do actually have a factual statement or an argument worth replying to, I’ll be only too happy to forgive and forget.
I’ll pray for you. Hopefully, God will guide you down a better path.