I deal in facts, not opinions.
If you want to say something to the contrary, you address those - what do you call them to make it PC now? Oh, yeah, "Aboriginals," on why they're making up these atrocious fibs about their lovely overlords.
What was the name of that PM who wanted to remove title to what little land they have left to them a decade or so ago so that yous can have the rest of it?
A decade after the penal colonies got cut off in the American Colonies on account of that Revolution thingy, the unwanted criminal swill of the UK got imported to Australia. It's in your DNA, fella, your blood. This is what y'all do - here, there, NZ, New Guinea, Solomons, Palau, Samoa, India, Iran, Ireland, heck, Briton itself.
Don't like it? Well neither do we.