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Insurrection. Insurrection. Insurrection. Insurrection. Insurrection.

1,417 views 40 upvotes Made by anonymous 3 years ago in politics
7 ups, 3y
ahhhh sheeeeeit. Anyone tell Libtard Larry?
2 ups, 3y
Arrest them! Lock them up! That is the capitol rotunda! Start checking phones for anyone in DC
1 up, 3y
ABOUT TIME. Now occupy them until Biden rolls out the tanks.
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I think that is just a tour group- nothing to see here, and i will stop at nothing to make sure nothing gets reported on that fine day
3 ups, 3y
You may be right. You never really know where these news articles get their pictures. Sometimes they get called out for posting pictures of something that happened somewhere else. Or they'll post cropped images that fit their narrative but if the entire picture was viewed it contradicts their narrative.

I just copied this picture from the article I read. For all I know this could've been taken Jan 6th.
2 ups, 3y,
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It's because it isn't really news. There are climate protests all the time and there are often arrests. It's when they plan to kill the VP and several members of Congress to prevent Congress from confirming the vote that it becomes news. Flying Confederate flags and talking about revolution.

You guys really really want to see some equivalent action from the left. To pretend people protesting racial injustice somehow are trying to overthrow democracy. Or people having a sit in for climate. I'm not defending anyone who was violent, but there was clearly no attempted insurrection.

They really aren't the same and don't warrant the same response.
7 ups, 3y,
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They were NOT planning to kill the VP and congress. What were they going to kill them with? They're most excellent ninja skills?? They were unarmed. If you are planning on killing someone then shouldn't they have brought something with them to kill them? A gun, a knife, poison, a baseball bat, a rock, something??

Yes, they had that gallows constructed but look at it. Maybe it might hold together if they hung someone very very small. It would have collapsed under the weight of a normal sized person.

I didn't see any Confederate Battle Flags. Perhaps there is a picture somewhere of a bunch of paid actors to hold that flag up for the media to film them. And, yes, it does and has happened before.

BLM (the movement) was protesting a perceived (but not actual) racial injustice. Antifa and BLM (the organization) are domestic terrorists who want to tear the country down and replace it with communism, that is their stated goals.

I'm only calling it an insurrection because Jan 6th was also no where close to being an insurrection. A bunch of people showed up to protest a stolen election. Nothing more and nothing less. About 300 of them were somehow triggered to riot in the Capitol Building.

AND NONE OF THEM WERE ARMED. Yes, I know they found a couple of weapons in some of their cars but they were in their cars. Big deal. It is very hard to fight some imaginary war with the nation if you forgot your Glock in the car. And seriously, if I was going into some war with the US Government, a Glock would be about as effective as throwing rocks. At most you have about 12 rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber. How well do you think you are going to fair against the trained Capitol police??? But none of that matters because their guns were in their cars. Very inaccessible, especially when you consider they probably had to park on the other side of town and take the subway to get there. That is what I had to do when I went to the Glenn Beck "Restoring Honor" rally back in 2010.
1 up, 3y,
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Out of BLM, antifa, or paid actors, which was Ashli Bobbit? Paid actor?
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The only thing I know about her is that she was killed by the Capitol Police. She was unarmed so I do not know what rationale the police had for killing her. I do not understand why they singled her out for execution.
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If I had a gun handy I would order them to stop and explain that I have a firearm and I will use it if they do not stop. If my gun is not next to me then I would grab my knife and do the same thing.

If I saw that they were armed and especially if they were aiming their weapon at me I would have no choice to but to fire first if I could.

I studied tactical martial arts from a former police officer. In addition to traditional martial arts we were also taught how to clear a room, how to hold our firearm to prevent someone from taking it from us and other tactics that the police are taught.

Many times verbal judo is all that is needed. If you take loud, forcefully and confidently that will deter a lot of people. When a bad guy sees that their intended victim has a firearm that also is a huge detractor in preventing crime. A whole lot of crime has been prevented when they see their intended victim is armed.

But I really, really, really hope I am never put in that situation. I do not want to shoot anyone, even an armed guy crawling in my window who will not listen to me. Even though it would be justifiable under the law, the thought of taking someone else's life goes completely against everything I believe in.

There are non-lethal weapons that I can use but as my conceal carry instructor told me (who is a cop) if you defend yourself with non-lethal force then you can be sued by the criminal and they can many times win in court. So not only did I have a guy try to enter my house to possible steal something, now I have the government ripping me off in preference to a bad guy. He explained that we want to use lethal force so that guy cannot sue you. There are just too many idiot judges who will actually side with the criminal against the victim.
1 up, 3y,
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No. Nothing like what happened Jan 6th.

There is a HUGE difference between a public building and a private home. The general public has a right to enter nearly every federally owned public building. We have a right to see what our government is doing. There is no crime associated with entering the Capitol Building. It is open to the public.

Your house is a private residence and unless you open it to the general public it is off limits to everyone who you do not invite into your home.

The rioters on Jan 6th did not break into the Capitol Building. They did not enter the building with the intention of committing any crime. They came there to protest and they have a constitutional right to protest especially on federal land or in federal buildings. The left has been doing this for decades. Initially the protestors did not enter issuing threats of violence. Instead they were instructed to remain peaceful and to obey the Capitol Police.

What you are saying is that if anyone got the nerve to walk into the Capitol Building for any reason then the Capitol Police should shoot them. Well what about those climate change protesters who have been in Washington DC protesting for over a week? Should they be shot on sight?
0 ups, 3y
Um, they didn't break in? Here is the footage I have of her getting shot.
Maybe you are watching a different video?
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2 ups, 3y
I don't condone the riots for any reason. I think protests are useless and a waste of time. It just makes the protester feel like they are doing something when they are actually doing nothing at all.

I never condoned any of the destruction they caused.

Ashli Bobbit was shot climbing through a broken window. I don't know if she broke the window or not. I didn't know where she was heading.

I personally do not think the Senate or the House should ever be barricaded off from anyone short of a gun wielding maniac. When the government fears the people then there is freedom. When the people fear the government then there is tyranny. It is good that the government feared the people. That needs to happen more often, only without the damage, the violence and the chants of "Hang my pants".

The halls of Congress should ALWAYS be open to the public. And can think of a whole lot of politicians who deserve a good ol' fashion tar and feathering and being ran out of town on a rail.
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Detain them at gunpoint because if they are unarmed and I shoot them, I go to jail
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1 up, 3y
It was not two in the morning , she had a choice of going through the window or being crushed by the crowd behind her. The officer outweighed her by 100 lbs, had a baton, mace, cuffs and was trained in self defense. Further he was not alone their was a capital police response team in the hall with the protesters. Pelosi needs to release all the Video from her office that day.
1 up, 3y
Maybe they were only talking about killing, but didn't plan to. Hang Mike Pence could have been allegory. I don't buy it, but they weren't successful, so I can't prove one way or the other.
5 or 6 firearms charges
Over 60 charges of having or utilizing a dangerous weapon on capitol grounds.

Flimsy gallows - It looked like it was constructed of 4x4's to me and those would support someone's weight. There are also trees around the capitol.

We know the name of the guy with the flag. He and his son were charged. Now just prove they are paid actors.

How were they going to fare against trained police - They seemed to do pretty well for a while. But either way, nobody said it was a good plan.

Off topic, but Antifa are anarchists who don't trust any government. They don't really have any stated goals other than resisting fascism by any means necessary.

BLM does not have a stated goal related to communism.
2 ups, 3y,
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5 ups, 3y
Part 1
“Some of them brought guns and Molotov cocktails, as well as zip ties (commonly used to subdue and restrain people). This has been proven.”

One guy. Lonnie Coffman. All of this was in his truck. After the protests were over he went back to his truck and was arrested by the police for firearms possession. So this one guy brings all of this stuff to Washington DC and he didn’t do anything with it. He chickened out. But the police arrested him anyway.

“All you have to do is Google "confederate flag January 6" and you can see pictures of a guy inside the US Capitol building caring a confederate flag.”

What would be anyone’s on the right’s motivation to bring a Confederate Battle Flag to the protests? No one was there protesting blacks. This was not a racial protest of any kind. So what is the motivation? Yes, the flag was there and every news agency got their shot of the flag being carried around. I wonder, when the news cameras were off did the flags go down?

This kind of stunt was pulled at Tea Party rallies all over the US. The media would show up with some guy wearing a Nazi shirt or carrying a Confederate flag. The media would get their shot of him in the crowd and then they would all leave together.

This is a common tactic of the media. So, if you see a Confederate Battle Flag at any kind of a conservative protest there is a very strong possibility that it was brought their by the media. Because otherwise it makes absolutely no sense. The only other possible reason that someone might have brought that flag was not for racial reason but because the South were called “rebels”. They might have been rebelling against the election outcome.

The flag does not mean racism. It was a flag that two platoons adopted in the Civil War to distinguish their flag from the US flag so they wouldn’t get shot by friendly fire. That was its entire purpose. Later it got adopted by Southerners as a symbol of their heritage and culture. A small percentage of those Southerners were also members of the KKK. They would bring the flag to KKK rallies and that is why the left obsesses over that flag as a symbol of racism. Which is unfortunate because there are a lot of Southerners who have no ill will towards blacks but will fly that flag. There are even blacks from the South who fly that flag.
5 ups, 3y,
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Part 2
I know this because I was born in the South and I have a Confederate Battle Flag. I can’t fly it anywhere lest people think I am a racist. Plus, it might offend some blacks and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

“There is racial injustice in the US”

I am not denying that. What I am saying is that injustice is grossly over exaggerated because of the Marxists who are driving this hysteria over race. Marx, from the beginning, was all about creating a divide where none existed. It is the oppressed and oppressor scenario that Marx needed to instill in a society to tear it apart and collapse it so that it could be replace with is nightmare dystopian dream.

Critical Race Theory is Marxism modified to make the oppressor every white person and the oppressed everyone else. Unfortunately for CRT advocates the world is not set up like that. I’m white. I don’t oppress anyone. I just live my life. 99.9999% of all white people are just like that. 99.9999% of everyone else is just like that also. We just live our lives. True oppression comes from Marxism.

“BLM is not a terrorist organization”

I’ve been very clear in distinguishing the 2 BLM’s. There is a movement and there is an organization. Most people in the movement are not part of the organization. They are just showing up because the media says that racism is rampant in this country. I say that is a big fat lie. It exists and it exists in all races. But America has gone through great lengths to change the hearts and minds of people to not look at someone with a different skin color in disdain. We are perhaps the least racist that we have ever been but that does not fit the oppresses/oppressor Marxist narrative so the media hypes every single incident where a black person is injured or killed by a white person. And it is just blacks and white. A white guy can go out a beat Mexicans all day long and the media doesn’t even care. A white guy can go on a killing spree shooting Asians and you might hear about it on your local news. But the moment a white guy does anything to a black guy the news media descends like an angry hive of killer bees.
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I know. I'm just hoping that I can show at least some of them that we're not the bad guys they've made us out to be. Even if I'm just wasting my time, I'm still getting the truth out there.
5 ups, 3y
Part 3
“The election wasn't stolen. And demanding the execution of politicians makes it more than a protest.”

First off, it clearly was stolen. Second off, if the perception on any side of the political aisle believes the were wronged there is a possibility of protests occurring. More on the left than on the right. It does not matter if what is being protested is true or not. It is the perception. Thousands of conservatives showed up to protest a stolen election. It does not matter that you think it wasn’t stolen, they did and still do. That is what the entire protest was ever all about.

"You can't arrest me for drug possession, officer. The drugs were in my car, not in my pants pockets!"

Guns and drugs are not the same thing. If you are in possession of illegal drugs there is an extremely strong likelihood that either yourself or someone you know will use those drugs.

A gun, however, is the exact opposite. I frequently carry a gun with me when I go out. I hope that I never ever have to use it. I don’t like the idea of taking the life of another person but if mine, my wife’s or someone else’s life is under serious threat from a psychopath with a gun then I will have no choice but to defend innocent life. Most legal gun owners think exactly the same way as I do. Shooting someone is the last thing they want to do. And if a situation can be resolved without lethal force then that will always be the first option.

“What's next, trying to bring down a skyscraper with a measly little airplane?”

You’re comparing Americans protesting a stolen election with terrorists who want to destroy America? Seriously? The Jan 6th protestors were not trying to bring down the government. Not in the slightest. One guy showed up with guns and Molotov cocktails but he chickened out. And that was just one guy. If conservatives were going to take over the government you would know it. It would be very, very, very, clear to you. We’re the ones with all the guns. We would show up with all the firepower we could muster. The thing is there are no conservatives who want to tear down this government. Quite the opposite. We want to put this government back the way our founders intended it to be. That is never going to be accomplished by violence. Well… actually it is just never going to be accomplished, period. There are too many on your side who just keep giving more and more of our freedoms to the government.
0 ups, 3y,
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bLM burned over 1600 buildings and killed scores of innocents in their multitude of riots.
How many buildings were burned on January 6th? Zero.
How many innocents were killed? One. Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed white female veteran was murdered. Say her name.
0 ups, 3y,
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The majority the deaths associated with BLM protests and riots were in fact BLM protesters or rioters. And scores seems to be an exaggeration. 25 people killed is the highest estimate I've seen. The Wikipedia article for the riots says 19+ deaths and 17,000+ arrests. I'm not saying the wikipedia article is authoritative, but for reference...

As far as the damage done by rioters -> unlike you, I'm not defending the people who rioted. I may agree with why they were angry, but they still committed crimes and should go to jail.

In one day of rioting one person was killed, there were two pipe bombs placed. How many bombs have been found as part of BLM protests or even riots?

Ashli Babbitt - murdered?

On video you can clearly see her climbing through a window that is part of a barricade manned by police. Maybe the officer could have fired a warning shot or used a taser, but I wasn't there and honestly lack the expertise to second guess the officer.

But I won't forget her. I have the utmost sympathy for her and her family. She believed a lie and died for it. I still hope the liar faces consequences. That, to me, is the saddest part. Most of the people arrested and facing charges (or dead in Ms. Babbitt's case) are patriots. If the steal was true, if our electoral process had been subverted, then I personally thing they would have been justified. But it wasn't, and their actions weren't. A sad, sad day.
0 ups, 3y,
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0 ups, 3y,
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So, zero bombs at BLM protesters or riots, right?

I disagree - burning down a building could be unplanned and a crime of anger or opportunity.

Making a bomb is premeditated. The fact that it didn't go off is a good thing, but likely not the bombers intent.
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Burning down a building can be premeditated, but it can also be accomplished fairly ad-hoc. A molotov can be improvised fairly quickly.

A pipe bomb is a whole different level of construction. To be clear I'm not saying the bombs were much worse, I'm just refuting your "harmless misunderstanding" narrative.
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0 ups, 3y
Poor use of quotation marks on my part.
No, I inferred it. You claimed Ashli was an unarmed innocent person. Why would an unarmed innocent person be climbing through a police barricade if not a misunderstanding?

But the cop is a murderer? It's so strange... What is different in this case? Why isn't it back the blue, and if you don't want to get shot don't break the law?
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You are defending Ashli Babbitt, who was rioting.
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People protest and sometimes riot over perceived injustice.

BLM almost exclusively whenever a black person is killed by police in a way that is excessive force or carelessness and the police aren't punished. That injustice part is a judgement call. There have been protests where the cop was exonerated, and that's well and good. There have also been Bosco people killed and nobody protested.

I'm pretty sure nobody has ever protested someone shot in the process of forced entry at the head of a mob. But if you find that you think this was injustice, go protest it.
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6 ups, 3y,
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I am 100% certain they demanded the execution of politicians just like the protestors did on Jan 6th. BECAUSE THEY DID NOT DEMAND ANYONE TO BE EXECUTED ON JAN 6TH. Some yokel put together a very poorly constructed gallows and that was about it. Everyone else was unarmed. If they wanted to execute someone you would think they would have brought some type of means to kill them. But they didn't.

The media reported that a few people had guns in their cars. But the glaringly obvious problem with that reporting is that the guns were in their cars and not on their persons. And it wasn't much of anything. I think one guy had a Glock in the trunk of his car.

Oh and one other important thing to note is that with a crowd that size they most likely had to park on the other side of town and take the subway to the event.
4 ups, 3y
The need to repeatedly over exaggerate the facts indicates a propaganda campaign.
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I went to YouTube to see if I can find actually footage of the protestors calling for hanging Mike Pence. The reason is that your article told you they did but provided no video to back up their claims. The first video I found showed protestors and just put words on top of them saying that there were some who where calling to hang Pence.

The second video showed protesters and you heard people chanting "Hang Mike Pence" but what was interesting is no one's mouths were moving. I looked and I didn't see anyone saying anything. Nor did I see people doing things that they would normally do when chanting something like this. There were no arms in the air or anything like that.
It sounds like they are chanting "Hang my pants" :) Or perhaps it was "Let's go Brandon".

The left wing Snopes said they chanted that but the video showing it was unavailable.

I am willing to believe they chanted that but so far it I can't find anything other than a video that very well could have audio added to it.

I do not condone that. I think it is wrong that they took what Trump said and pushed it to the extreme. The worst thing Trump said is that he would be "very disappointed" if Pence didn't overturn the election. Pence does not have that kind of authority. In fact the VP really has no authority to do anything other than break ties in the Senate. I don't know what Trump was expecting. And they certainly couldn't have hung Pence on that shoddy gallows the showed up with.

I'm going with belief that they were actually chanting "Hang my pants". After all they all showed up with their wet laundry that they had just pulled out of the washing machine. They came there to demand Congress hang their pants on the clothesline so they could dry. That is my story and I am sticking with it. :)
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0 ups, 3y
Of course I'm joking about the pants. And I am not dismissing anything. I'm just making an observation. It does not appear that anyone in that video is saying anything at all. The chants could have been added. But I am also fully aware that I could be wrong and those chanting "Hang my pants" oops... "Hang Mike Pence" could have had their backs to the camera.

I do not condone hanging Mike Pence. I would think that their anger should've been more directed at whomever masterminded the stealing of the election. Go after that/those guys. Pence nothing to do with that.

Once you hear "Hang my pants" you just can't unhear it. 😂🤣
3 ups, 3y,
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1 up, 3y,
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If you must spam that, perhaps to somone else as you posted that to me already and it bears no relevance,,,
2 ups, 3y,
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Kind of like your comments :)
1 up, 3y,
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Because I spam one single pre-made meme everywhere?
Sure, kid, whatever you say.

This is where I would suggest you stop 'imitating' me and come up with something original, but emulators like youreself tend to be a tad limited in the creative dept...

1 up, 3y
2 ups, 3y,
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Lies? Like they killed a cop with a fire extinguisher? Like that kind of lie. They had guns! No one inside the Capitol Building did and the only gun seen was from the trigger happy democrat DC cop.
1 up, 3y,
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You've been corrected on this many a time, so save your lies for your fellow liar.
2 ups, 3y,
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Never by you
1 up, 3y,
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Correct. When you asked for pics of the missing link, you thought those were your selfies.
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😂 it’s ok we all know leftists and Middle East terrorist supporters don’t have a comedic sense.
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0 ups, 3y
Trying to hide your anti semitism with a fig leaf of provocation. Not a surprise supporting terrorists is what leftists do.
3 ups, 3y,
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Give it time. It’s only been a week and only 655 arrests so far.
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The problem is they arrested around twice as many as the number of people who rioted. So what did they arrest them for? How many convictions?
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Are you talking about Jan 6th or last week’s multi-day riots?
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Jan 6th
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OK, I was talking about the climate change protesters last week.
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Are you saying there were 655 arrests make of the climate change protestors? I read there were only 80 arrests for the climate protestors and there has been over 600 arrests for the Jan 6th riot.

There were only about 300 people in the Capitol Building on Jan 6th when the peaceful crowd was somehow triggered into a riot. My question is why did they arrest double that amount?

My other question that I asked in the meme is based on the government's reaction to the Jan 6th riots why aren't they reacting the same way for these protests which have gone on for a week.

In other words, why is it that when the left riots they are treated with respect even of their protests turn into riots, which they frequently do. And why is it the handful of times conservatives protests they are treated like enemies of the state?

The conservatives are the only ones trying to preserve the government our founders gave us, while the left wants to replace our entire system of government with tyranny.
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All good questions.

This is where I got the 655 arrest info from.
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Wow!! That is amazing that they would arrest left wing protestors. That rarely happens and usually not even close to that many.

I didn't see any of the charges, just arrests.

This is either good news (not that the government is arresting protestors), bad news or very, very, very bad news.

It is good news in that the government might not be playing favorites any more.

It is bad news in that the government is now taking our 1st amendment rights to peaceably protest and to petition the government without redress.

It is very, very, very bad news if we have reached the point in shoving socialism down our throats where the "useful idiots" or "brown shirts" are no longer of any value to the regime. The only difference between past regimes and this one is that past regimes murdered their useful idiots when they were done with them. So far they are just arresting them now.
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Trespassing or protesting without a permit (in some cities) isn’t really peaceably protesting. But the government does seem to look the other way for BLM protests that clearly go beyond peaceful assembly.
0 ups, 3y
They looked the other way for Occupy Wall Street as well. There was no rioting but they left a huge mess for the cities they protested in.

The Tea Party, on the other hand always applied for permits, where required. They got turned down in a couple of times and other times they had their permit revoked a couple of days before the event.

It's like the 1st amendment ONLY applies to the radical left, the ones who are actually trying to tear this nation down.
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