I agree, FL is slow in their reporting, but for the last month, their numbers have been going down. The numbers for the entire U.S. is 240 per 100k while Isreal is 349/100k while being over 80% vaccinated.
As far as science saying there is no connection between the decline of the Virus and ivermectin, you should rephrase that to read, Pharma Funded Science. There are dozens of reports and studies that say ivermectin is effective. There are thousands of antidotal accounts backing this. Seventy-four countries are now prescribing Ivermetcin as part of a multi-part regimen as a prophylactic and therapeutic.
There are numerous reports and studies that show a definitive relationship. The Journal for Therapeutic Science has just published another peer-reviewed study stating Ivermectin is very effective.
The latest report is even being listed on the NIH site.
The conclusion of this report is " Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally."
The vaccines are showing to be less than 40% effective in preventing infection and their effectiveness at even preventing serious illness declines over time.
The Pfizer CEO just announced the need for booster shots indefinitely to maintain any level of effectiveness.
Natural immunity is much more effective by a factor of 13 - 21 times more than vaccines and lasts longer. In fact, we still haven't seen a decline in natural immunity over time.
The vaccines also have a higher adverse event rate than any vaccine in history and we still don't know what the long-term effects are. Some countries have reduced or even stopped all use of vaccines because of adverse side effects. The only reports on the supposed safety of the vaccines have come from the manufacturers themselves.