"The US should definitely look into having high speed magnetic super trains"
maglev trains are unfeasible in most places compared to conventional rail.
"Only thing about that is you have to then produce that much more electricity. Which electric wind turbines and solar panels aren't going to produce"
electric trains are capable of using the electricity far more efficiently than electric cars, especially since most americans drive alone. even with driverless cars, a group of driverless cars carrying 1000 people takes more space and uses more power than a japanese bullet train carrying 1000 people.
i should also mention that i'm somewhat opposed to driverless cars because of what i like to call the "robot takeover," which describes my worries and skepticism in regards to robots replacing human jobs. maybe i'm dreaming because i've seen too many terminator movies. however, do note that truth is stranger than fiction.
"but oddly enough the places with the most train transports have higher crime rates, dirtier streets (Chicago New York San Francisco Cleveland to name a few in the US) and declining economies"
eyyyy meanwhile Tokyo has no crime, no grime, and the best public transport in the world. That's without mentioning European cities. This is because cities in America in general are terrible; Even places like Omaha, St. Louis, and Des Moines have the worst crime statistics, and these places don't have a simple light rail. And most of the places you mentioned have a fractional amount of rail transit compared to other first world countries. San Francisco's total streetcar length is fractional compared to the length of Warsaw's. Cleveland's metro rail length is tiny compared to London's. Meanwhile, Chicago and New York still have massive highways that go to more places than the subway. And none of these places have world-class intercity rail (with the exception of New York, debatably).
"Trains are nice places for a criminal to have a captive audience. Mugging, battery, bullying, and crimes of sexual nature seem to occur in these cities - that use trains..."
again, they occur in almost all if not every american city. not to mention that crimes happen more often occur against people walking on the sidewalk because downtown car traffic is terrible and there is no streetcar/bus service that replaces it.
the whole "trains cause crime" line is a fallacy created by the automobile industry created with the intention of selling cars.