Zygote, Embro, Fetus, unborn child, they're all developmental stages of a human being. At the moment of conception an organism with a complete and unique human DNA code is formed. At three weeks a heartbeat begins.
Look, we've carried out over 60,000,000 abortions in the U.S since the adoption of Roe v. Wade. It is objective truth that the vast majority of those pregnancies would have resulted in a human being like us living a life like us. How many of those 60,000,000, if around today, would agree, "Oh sure, my life and my future never meant anything just because I was smaller and differently shaped than you guys. You should have aborted me."
I would bet anything that not one would do so.
Now as to 'forcing' the woman to carry the pregnancy to term; only 1.5% of abortions are for rape and incest, which is overwhelmingly the excuse for abortion.
That means 98.5% of abortions are carried out purely because of an unintended pregnancy. Destroying the future of the new life within the woman purely because she made a poor choice is unacceptable. Two wrongs never have, and never will, make a right.
Now, simply banning abortion in those cases is not a viable solution, because as you correctly noted we can't just force a woman to endure that alone. Legislation for mandated education and career assistance in the case of an unwanted pregnancy would absolutely have to be passed. Our education programs need an overhaul, because right now young people seem to think they're immortal with birth control and other preventative measures. Finally, adoption systems need to be overhauled, because that child should absolutely be given to a family who wants him/her rather than hoist her upon the mother who may very well not be able to care for it.
In summary, abortion right now is used as an easy out for people who overwhelmingly made bad choices that they couldn't afford to make at that time in life. It destroys a future, which everyone on earth deserves, and its defenders all too often set no limits on it. Where do YOU think an abortion should be allowed? First/Second/Third trimester? A month after birth, as some people seem to want?Just saying, "the woman is more developed than the child within her" does not give her a more important lease to life. Both are equally deserving of a future.