I think you've misunderstood my brief comment so I'll elaborate.
Firstly I'm not endorsing socialism.
The suggestion I'm making is in response to many MAGA and other right aligned people saying X is socialism where X can be many things.
What I've found is that almost nobody who makes such claims can accurately answer the question, "What is socialism?"
Some will say they don't know but they don't like it, a curious position to hold.
Others will offer something that better describes despotism or fascism or just a caricature of socialism.
I offer that as something that exposes people just following the herd in saying something is "socialism" when they have little idea what it actually means and further that in most cases the thing isn't well aligned with socialism.
Just a bogeyman word that can be tacked onto things to vilify the idea.
So trigger some righties by showing them they can't define socialism.