Once again, I think you’re playing fast and loose with the definition of “repost” here.
I have always understood the essence of a “repost” to be content created ***by someone else***, and this explanation (which you yourself also posted) confirms that.
When I repost someone else’s content, I tag it with “repost,” and/or indicate repost in the image description, so everyone can know.
Now: If I create an *original* meme that’s relevant to both politics and PoliticsTOO, will I post in both streams? You bet — Subject to the 2-post-per-day limit in politics, which keeps a large amount of my content from ever seeing the light of day of this stream.
Why would I do this? Not everyone is an all-seeing guru of ImgFlip like yourself, or a hawklike watcher of my account like SydneyB or VagabondSouffle. People follow different streams.
There are liberals who follow PoliticsTOO and don’t follow politics, and I know a few liberals who actually do follow politics and don’t follow PoliticsTOO. And there are certainly conservatives who don’t follow PoliticsTOO.
I think it’s disingenuous to expect me or anyone else to create brand new memes from scratch every time if they want to participate in both streams.
The OP memer’s collage, the meat and potatoes of this meme we’re supposed to be talking about, was pretty obviously created by someone else
Was his addition of a bit of text enough alternation to allow it to fly in “politics”? Apparently so. (I would contend that my two custom Dr. Fauci reaction memes which I created today and posted at the bottom of a timely news article evidences more creativity than that)
It’s still borderline, and I was right to draw attention to it and call it out.