The thing that tells me Vagabond Douché is nothing more than a Trump hating troll is he won't engage in anything remotely resembling an exchange of ideas. In the past I would ask him about something he posted, but he'd go on a tangent, and each subsequent post would have less to do with his original post than the one that preceded it. I suppose I can understand that approach if his only motivation is trying to irritate me, but I'm always willing to have a serious discussion with anyone, even the Douché, about any public issue.
He's also done the thing with me that he's done with you about being Canadian, except with me it's Australian. He told me that "there's been some talk about it" here on the flip, so I guess in his feeble mind, those fantasy conversations confirm that I'm Australian. Now that I know he's done the same with you, it seems a clear pattern has emerged. If he dislikes you, he'll accuse you of being a foreigner, as an insult. I didn't think snowflake dogma allowed blind hatred of foreigners. Aren't snowflakes supposed to be about love and tolerance? Not the Douché.
You're spot on about him trying to personally discredit people. For some reason, he feels the need to insult my wife, which led me to view his posts with a careful eye for misogyny, and brother, he is a class 1 misogynist. He went on a post rant yesterday about a meme with women in Confederate flag bikinis that was essentially a string of posts with nothing but hatred towards women, including post after post making fun of their appearance. I guess I thought that was also against snowflake dogma, but apparently not.
Having differing political views is one thing, but blatant in your face, full on display misogyny, and hatred of foreigners, are signs of mental illness, imo. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I think we all have a level of confidence that we know crazy when it's in our faces. I think he really needs some kind of therapy to sort out his issues against women and foreigners.