Come on KF, this is a disingenuous take at best, and flat out bullshit at worst.
There are several main types of groups involved in this mess. Of course, there are the anarchists who are seizing the opportunity to go out there and have fun, because they love the chaos. There are the rioters, who are quite similar to the anarchists, except they don't necessarily have a political agenda, but they're having fun for the sake of having fun. There are the looters, who are just out there to get free shit. There's ANTI-First-Amendment (aka Antifa) who are similar to anarchists / rioters, but have a political agenda. In other words, they're like anarchists, only organized. Of course, these groups are being the most counter-productive to the final group, which is those who are out to peacefully protest the murder of a black man by a white cop.
Other than the looters and protesters, the other groups are willing to kill innocent black men in order to stop the killing of innocent black men... right? That's where #BlackLivesMatter comes down in this, right?
To them, as almost everyone else in the country, of course black lives matter. But also for them, black lives matter UNLESS they've got a streak of blue in them, or red, and that's why they have no credibility with the more than 50% of the country who would be inclined to support them, if they had any integrity and actually cared about ALL black lives.