Agree with most of what you've been saying, but the Democrats (AKA Republican lite) would NOT trash Republican ideas if they had the oppurtunity. As usual, for the sake of 'future compromise,' they have the uncanny knack for giving Republcans what they want way too easily.
From Bill "Don't Twist My Arm, I'll Sign It" Clinton to Schumer who had Congress by the balls over DACA during that really short gov't shutdown and suddenly caved in for totally inexplicable reasons before the weekend was halfway through, to offering $1.6 billion for the wall when the GOP offered zero for two years to Pelosi gleefully continuing the tradition, the one thing Dems & Repubs have in common is being a bunch of rich geezers with rich backers they love to appease.
Even the Impeachment is a farce, designed to pan out in Trunp's favor while satiating the base's (and some Dem newbs) call for them to do their damn jobs.
The DemoRepublicrats are a two headed single corp, and their interest is one, with some token fluff on the edges to justify their reelections.