Come on, man, you literally SAW people do that? A work associate literally TOLD you that?
Trump's own commision on vote fraud found nothing while people in Philly are voting 20 times while no one there does anything?
I live in the Bronx, where being 'shady' gives certain people street cred, and yet even living in a slum for 21 years with anything from hoochie mamas bragging about buying their 40s with their EBT and SSD collecting Mafioso openly gambling in social clubs, and never so much as heard a story about Joey Stoonz voting multiple times.
Pay to play? Like that's not how Daddy Fred Trump worked his way up from KKK marcher to projects builder to real estate tycoon, and Donny continued the same, taking it into the high end?
The NAACP and the rest of those "Look, I know Colored celebz" photo ops, what, that all came from buds Trump made hanging out at Aunt Jama's Soul Food Joint in Harlem twice weekly for lunch?
Heck, he may very well be the first person who is famous for absolutley no reason, setting the template for Paris Hilton and the Kardashians, you think that happened because NYCers liked his ultra shiny Dem card? He BOUGHT his fame.