wow A Child's Very Own Concentration Camp perfect for refuge families,young immigrants etc. this Concentration Camp traps illegal visitors in your house with dedicated bars for outdoor installation plus we've included a padlock and the winner of this showcase goes a supply of barbedwires bid on this showcase I bid $400
con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities.
Is there a problem with using this term and what is happening at our border? Looks like this kid in the meme may not have a mattress but does have a nice soft surface to sleep on. The kid is wearing more than just a diaper and looks like its basic needs are being met. The meme image doesn't fit the definition like the reality for kids at the border. This kid can even see its mom.
Hey hypocrite - They'd take the child away if you marched them 1000's of miles across country, and then left them with coyote strangers who they don't know.
Why? You assume they aren’t parents wanting to take their children away from war torn countries but instead sell them into slavery in a country where slavery is... oh that’s right... illegal. It doesn’t make sense.
Not saying child trafficking doesn’t happen but to say every person crossing the border with a child is a child trafficker is mightily more presumptuous of you than assuming they’re all parents.
Its innocent until proven guilty. Also your the one who said they weren't their parents. I hold it to be self evident that they are the parents and so didn't need to claim it. :P So yeah, disprove me. I'll wait
Not so. You said "It was my understanding that the Children were seperated from their Parents without consent by Border Patrol.".
I said to show some evidence they are the parents. It's a pretty straighforward statement on your part, and a straigtforward response on my part to your statement.
I wasn't paying attention, tho the fella with the greying hair has a nice jawline.
Klobuchur now. I forgot why, but I think she's the only one of these goofballs I liked. Something a couple of minths ago about here being more moderate and realistic.
Why with a gazillion on stage is Warren yapping yet again?