Well, I watched the video xanderbrony, thanks for sharing it with me. So basically, (since I already knew some of this information) the voters of and for the democratic party changed because of economic reasons, and not really because of racial reasons. Only less than one percent of the elite in the Democratic Party changed, so the "Big Switch" really only happened with the non - political, non - activist voters. Yes, I know that the Democrats put the first Black president, Barack Obama, into office, but the Democratic Party only did that to further get the votes of blacks. The switch with the voters happened after the Civil Rights act, that is true, but the only reason why President Lynden Johnson signed it (The only reason why he got it into law, and if you are a history nerd you would know that President Lynden Johnson only signed the "Second" Civil Rights act (he first tried to get passed by Republicans after the death of President Lincoln, but couldn't because of Democrats) to get the black vote. And I hate it how Democrats always say something like, "Your racist for not liking Barack Obama," or "Look how far we Democrats have come electing for the first black president!" This shows that Democrats are still obsessed about race because in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "I look to the day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but of the content of their character. Clearly Democrats are still obsessing over Barack Obama's skin color, and not his terrible character. Why don't Democrats talk about all of the black Congressman that were elected in the Republican Party, or about mostly black neighborhoods voting more Republican in 2016, or that the Black jobs have never been higher since the 1960's, or that Planned Parenthood supported the K.K.K. and invented Planned Parenthood to decrease the size or the black population, which explains why the majority of Planned Parenthood buildings are in black neighborhoods. Watch these video please that exposes a major Democratic organization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWT3c0m2P0c