Some Islamic people are terrorists, but not ALL of them. It's hilarious how stereotypical you are. It's like saying all Germans are Nazis, which they aren't. Oh, my mistake, I said hilarious, when I meant to say disgusting. Just let people be who they wish to be, let them be who they are. It doesn't matter that they are different than you, because LITERALLY EVERYONE is different than you. There are 7.442 billion other people on this planet that are different than you. 7.442 BILLION. It would take 714.432 BILLION years to count each and every person one by one, and the Sun only has roughly 5 billion years left on it's life, and 8 minutes after that goes, we go. Do you see were I'm going here? If you don't, let me give you the short version: Your wrong, get over it.