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IS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A DEADLY THE RELIGION? Yes! Followers are told not to go to a doctor under any circumstance, which has led to these statistics: “When Christian Scientists are compared with other groups that prohibit smoking and stress a healthy diet, the death rate was found to be over twice as high for the Christian Scientists. The death rate among Christian Scientist graduates who are male was four times greater and for females it was almost five times greater." So, the cult of Christian Science is not only a false teaching, it's a deadly one. Even today, people are dying by the tens of thousands because they follow this unbiblical faith. Here is more from Gerald Bergman, PHD, about the consequence for those practicing Christian Science—and for their children: "One of the more famous modern cases of death is that of two-year-old Robyn Twitchell who became violently ill in 1986 after a light supper. The Twitchell’s were practicing Christian Scientists and so did what good Christian Scientists do: they consulted 
a Christian Science practitioner, read various publications about 
how to deal with this illusion [happening to their two-year-old son.]; It is not easy to convince a two-year-old that pain and suffering do not exist, [so] Robyn continued crying and screaming in spite of the best “treatment” the church had to offer. On April 8 the boy died from peritonitis caused by a bowel obstruction from Meckel’s diverticulum. This condition can usually be treated by surgery without complications…” But the little boy died, something that happens to ten of thousands of Christian Scientists around the world because they are taught to believe that illnesses and injuries are not real. Even worse, this deadly religion teaches its followers that they do not need Christ as their Savior. So, the false faith can easily get its followers killed by telling them not to seek medical help, and then Christian Science’s claim that adherents should reject the free gift of salvation through Christ sends them to an eternity in hell when they die without having chosen Jesus. Who do you think is behind all that? Of course, it is just more 
from the father of lies, Satan, who Jesus says is also a murderer 
and has been one from the beginning (John, chapter 8). | image tagged in christian science,mary baker eddy,bible,cult,science,jesus | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
153 views, 2 upvotes
Gerald Bergman, PHD, wrote about the time Mark Twain encountered a Christian Science practitioner—and set her straight: “On a vacation Twain fell off a cliff in Austria and ‘broke some arms and legs and one thing or another.’ After being rescued by local peasants, he searched in vain for a doctor. Finally, a Christian Science practitioner was located who was vacationing in the village. Unable to come immediately she sent Twain the message to relax because there was nothing wrong with him, and his feelings of pain were ‘imagined,’ therefore he needed no treatment. 
The practitioner, a large middle-aged woman with an austere face, 
later came to help Twain deal with his imagined broken bones. When trying to convince Mr. Twain that the pain he was then experiencing didn’t exist, she accidentally raked her hand on a pin in her dress, said “ouch” in pain, then tranquilly went on trying to convince Mr. Twain that pain doesn’t exist. Needless to say, she failed to convince Mr. Twain that his bones did not hurt and there was no such thing as pain. Fortunately, Mr. Twain survived, no doubt because he found someone who was concerned with setting bones instead of selling a dangerous pseudoscientific religious philosophy. Mr. Twain’s 
book is written to bring many chuckles, but the religion it discusses 
is about the serious business of death. Many tragic deaths 
have occurred due to [Mary Baker] Eddy’s teachings.” | image tagged in mark twain,christian science,cult,god,bible,jesus | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
198 views, 1 upvote
WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE RELIGION OF “CHRISTIAN” “SCIENCE”? [2 of 2] In 1879, founder Mary Baker Eddy whipped up some repackaged paganism, as explained in A.C. Dixon’s 1908 article, The Truth About “Christian Science”: “When Mrs Eddy declares that matter has no existence, she simply echoes the teaching of pagan philosophy. And when she denies the existence of a personal God, saying that God is all in all, in the sense that He is universal principle, she announces what is known in philosophy as Pantheism.” Pantheism is the claim that everything is God, which is completely wrong because God’s creation is no more God than you are the sandwich you made for lunch. Here is more from Dixon: “While [Christian 
Science] claims to be progressive, [it] sets a premium on ignorance."; Christian Science counts on followers checking their brains at the door, because the doctrine is full of flimflam jargon that is not meant to make sense—because it doesn't. He goes on: “The microbes which produce cholera, yellow fever and bubonic plague are illusions of mortal mind. The sewers that germinate these microbes are also illusions. Pay no attention to filth or microbes… If the vagaries of “Christian Science” were really accepted and acted out, it would drive the world back into the dark ages and increase the sufferings of humanity a hundred-fold. Blot out all knowledge of sanitation, of anesthetics, of surgical 
skill, of the human body, and you have multiplied the pain 
which humanity would be compelled to endure.” | image tagged in christian science,mary baker eddy,cult,god,bible,religion | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE RELIGION OF “CHRISTIAN” “SCIENCE”? [1 of 2] Do accidents really happen? This quote (from a well-written 1908 article by A.C. Dixon) explains The Truth About “Christian Science”: “The basis of ‘Christian Science’ is the proposition that ‘God is everything and matter has no reality, but is an illusion of mortal mind. Sin, sickness and death have no reality, but are illusions of mortal mind. All evils such as plagues, tornadoes, cyclones, fires, earthquakes and accidents have no reality, but are illusions of mortal mind.’ ” These crazy ideas are the false teachings of Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy, who taught about the supposed “allness” of soul and spirit, and the nothingness of matter. Even today, the religion of Christian Science gets all that wrong because they follow her teachings as their ultimate source of authority, rather than the true Word of God in the Bible. They need to rely on Scripture, rather than Eddy’s false teachings that corrupt biblical truth. And the lies put out by many cults were ultimately given to 
them through contact with lying demons. By that, I mean organizations like 
the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, and Seventh Day Adventists. Whenever unfortunate followers of those false faiths get back to the Bible, they start to understand how their corrupt founders and leaders, like Mormonism’s Joseph Smith—from a family of practicing witches—put out false claims that contradict the Bible. Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford, the first two leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses, produced loads of anti-biblical teachings. Like Christian Science and its double-talking founder Mary Baker Eddy, followers of Seventh Day Adventists are taught to ultimately rely on the unbiblical teachings of Ellen G White. But reading the Bible for ourselves forces us to choose one set of ideas over the other, because the Bible contradicts mankind’s corrupt teachings—both cannot be true. Those cult members who finally get into God’s Word, inevitably find their group lied to them. As Christians, our goal must to get duped followers of false faiths to see their Bibles as the ultimate source of authority, the roadmap for life that truthfully explains the nature of God and man, the understanding that sin is real, and the personal work of Jesus that has saved us 
from an eternal penalty in hell, if only we would humble ourselves enough to 
accept it. We are all immortal, made in God’s image. Where we go after 
this life is our decision—will we accept Christ’s help, or not? | image tagged in christian science,mary baker eddy,cult,religion,god,bible | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
113 views, 1 upvote
HAS ACTOR JIM CARREY BEEN DUPED BY PAGAN HINDUISM? [2 of 2] Hinduism and its New Age movement have taught Jim Carrey that he is the universe? Of course, God created the everything over six days, separately making man, the different animal kinds, creatures of the sea, plants, bugs, and all other living things. That means a single person cannot be the entire universe, which is why Carrey struggles to explain the mindset behind someone like him who has decided that he is everything. His assertion sounds upper crusty and elitist because it’s the same corrupted thinking we got from the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, with her incoherent claim that we humans will have a “salvation moment” when we finally admit everything is an illusion—even thought. But isn’t she using her God-given thoughts to come to that incorrect thinking about the supposed illusion of thought? How can I trust that? Maybe it too is an illusion. 
What do you think, Jim? With all due respect, the whole sham is sad. Again, here 
is a great quote from about these sorts of Christian Science ideas:; “It reads with the rhythm of a pseudo logical statement that has the tendency to dull the senses when read long enough." Jim Carrey's entire explanation of his New Age epiphany—that he is the universe—was painfully long, so I only gave you a bit. It’s all I could take. But that example of Christian-Science-like nonsense has sucked in huge numbers of unfortunate people who are seeking life’s meaning. But rather than follow the lies of fallible, human, false teachers, they can easily find those answers in the Bible. Like Hinduism and New Age, the false teachings of Christian Science founder (1879) Mary Baker Eddy were created utilizing upper-crusty, elitist, illusive verbiage, which makes it sound so complicated that many listeners decide the false teacher must be smarter than him or her—but 
it’s just empty double-talk. Those hearing the blather and believing it have
to be thinking, “Hey, what that Christian Scientist just said was so profound, 
but I didn’t understand it—I guess I’m not smart enough. | image tagged in jim carrey,christian science,mary baker eddy,god,bible,cult | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
311 views, 3 upvotes
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147 views, 1 upvote