WHAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE RELIGION OF “CHRISTIAN” “SCIENCE”? [2 of 2] In 1879, founder Mary Baker Eddy whipped up some repackaged paganism, as explained in A.C. Dixon’s 1908 article, The Truth About “Christian Science”: “When Mrs Eddy declares that matter has no existence, she simply echoes the teaching of pagan philosophy. And when she denies the existence of a personal God, saying that God is all in all, in the sense that He is universal principle, she announces what is known in philosophy as Pantheism.” Pantheism is the claim that everything is God, which is completely wrong because God’s creation is no more God than you are the sandwich you made for lunch. Here is more from Dixon: “While [Christian
Science] claims to be progressive, [it] sets a premium on ignorance."; Christian Science counts on followers checking their brains at the door, because the doctrine is full of flimflam jargon that is not meant to make sense—because it doesn't. He goes on: “The microbes which produce cholera, yellow fever and bubonic plague are illusions of mortal mind. The sewers that germinate these microbes are also illusions. Pay no attention to filth or microbes… If the vagaries of “Christian Science” were really accepted and acted out, it would drive the world back into the dark ages and increase the sufferings of humanity a hundred-fold. Blot out all knowledge of sanitation, of anesthetics, of surgical
skill, of the human body, and you have multiplied the pain
which humanity would be compelled to endure.”