HAS ACTOR JIM CARREY BEEN DUPED BY PAGAN HINDUISM? [1 of 2] I won’t say superstar-actor Jim Carrey is a Christian Scientist, but he is another of the Hollywood elites involved with that same sort of mental mess that has grown out of Hinduism and its New Age movement. I want to give you bit of the transcript from Jim Carrey speaking a few years back, when he still physically looked like the same actor we know from his movies. Like all of us eventually go through, more recent photos show how he’s really gone downhill. Listen to this load of New Age gibberish,
and keep in mind that Eckhart Tolle is a false teacher who has sold over
eight million books since being promoted by fellow-New-Ager Oprah:; "A few months ago after knowing Eckhart Tolle for a while and studying the books, I woke up and I suddenly got it; I understood suddenly how thought was just an illusory thing, and how thought is responsible for, if not all, most of the suffering we experience. And then I suddenly felt like I was looking at these thoughts from another perspective, and I wondered, 'Who is it that's aware that I'm thinking?' And suddenly, I was thrown into this expansive, amazing feeling of freedom from myself, from my problems. I saw that
I was bigger than what I do. I was bigger than my body. I was everything
and everyone. I was no longer a fragment of the universe. I was the
universe." All righty then, Jim, being the entire universe
now, it must be hard to find large-enough pants.