I went round and round with a "science believer" that refused to acknowledge that two experts viewing the exact same data can come to polar opposite conclusions and that both or neither could be correct.
Second opinions sometimes result in a different diagnosis.
Researched, tested, and FDA approved medications are sometimes pulled from the market due to safety/effectiveness issues.
For hundreds of years you would be tortured and killed for stating that the earth was round and that the sun orbited it.
How has that science aged?
Physicists have shown that some aspect of Einstein's long relied upon science was errant.
Science is constantly evolving.
Not because the absolute truth changed, but rather the understanding changed.
Fauci stated long ago he arbitrarily made up the masking and six foot social distancing.
He was instrumental in developing the manufactured disease as well as the experimental "vaccine" from which he, and many others, became extremely wealthy at the expense of human life and health.
And it was not his first rodeo.