You miss the entire point of the meme. We are in the process of taking back our country from our embedded enemies. These people have advanced evil policies bad for America & Americans. I named just a very few of the many positive moves from President Trump so far. YES, He Will Fix It!
To your criticism, Alpha males do cry as well...does that make them less of an Alpha? Certainly NOT. Over decades of marriage to my husband, I have only seen him cry a handful of times. Those few times made me fall in love with him even more as they involved (happy/sad) graduations of our children or patriotic events.
So what if Trump & other men in the public arena either tan or wear make-up as they are in the public spotlight? Is that a big deal to you? I mean, that is one thing I would not criticize Biden of doing as I have concrete evidence of mismanagement, misappropriation & malfeasance that I would rather talk about...