It is another modality altogether. Proven effective for 2 months protection.
A Cure for the Common Cold for 60 days
The Keen Marketing Ploy was to Piggy-Back on the word "Vaccine" and play on the global acceptance of public mandates on actually effective vaccination,
such as to guard society against Polio, Mumps, Measles, & Rubella.
Also, if one can get it done at the Mall, or a local Hardware Store with a Pharmacy attached;
like the annual Flu Shot, then packaged with that Flu Shot, it is just another way to sell an additional also often ineffective Flu Shot annually in perpetuity. A steady stream of annual income.
Elderly people's unfounded superstitious fears, led to their generalization that they themselves could be "more protected" if everyone of all ages got a flu shot is the logic. More is better, doesn't mean more is more effective, it just reflects that one gets older, one is fearful of their own mortality.
"PROTECT GRANDMA FROM DYING, give the jab to 6month old children, if you care."
Emotions are superstitious rather than scientific.
-Lucrative? Yes. Scientific? No.
Brass Tacks:
"Un-60-Day Immune System Booster Juiced" is more accurate terminology than unvaccinated.