Ooooh, Occam's razor!
Sounds impressive, but it is not.
You are simply wrong, no shaving implement required.
That is how science works.
You do not understand.
The facts do not change, the understanding of the facts does. The interpretation of the facts does.
For many years after the dawn of man the earth was believed flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.
This is after the turtle floated on the sea giving purchase to the first spot of land.
Are you asserting that is the irrevocable scientific fact?
Two equally qualified oncologists view the same imaging, the same lab reports, the same histology report of biopsy, the same medical history, and draw completely different conclusions based on the facts, "A" says malignant, "B" says benign - which one is correct?
Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is "usually" the best one.
So...which doctor is correct, A or B?
Which is opinion is representative of the facts?
Einstein's facts were verified for nearly a hundred years yet scientists kept questioning those facts and succeeded in proving error on Einstein's part.
Did they create new facts?
No, yet in a matter of speaking, yes.
Did the facts change?
Again, no, yet in a manner of speaking, yes.
Did the understanding of the facts change?
Just plain old yes this time.
All were equally qualified physicists that held different opinions of the facts.
Occam's razor fails in this instance because the new change in the facts is the much more complicated option.
Inflation planned to permit big businesses to recoup losses?
What losses?
Oil/gas companies and small businesses are the only ones that experienced significant downturns in revenue.
Of course oil/gas producers simply sat on their ever increasing stockpile to sell at a premium later.
Small businesses were annihilated.
Nyet comrade, there is international economic warfare afoot.
Several countries seek to supplant the USD as the unit of trade.
Purposely tanking the dollar hurts the conspiring countries. Makes their investment in the USD much less valuable, simultaneously injuring their economy.
Further, to get in people's pockets without raising taxes, simply make everything cost more while taxing it at the same rate.
The US recovered from recession/depression many times, in less time, before the advent of the "fed".
All said, in fewer words, I disagree with your version of the facts - aka, opinion.