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Hershey03 (6088)
Joined 2020-08-26
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Average Redditor in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Liberals are leftists
Average Redditor in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Bullshit, they just use those words to mask what they really want.
Migrant Caravan in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Ah, so what you're insinuating is that illegal aliens are perfectly acceptable as long as they are potential Democrat voters? Crystal clear. I mean, obviously. It's the primary reason there are 30 million or so illegal aliens in this country mostly from south of the border. Otherwise, Democrats would have seen them deported eons ago, and would not be promoting open borders and opening up their cities and states to sanctuary while ignoring American problems. They would be calling them what they are instead of politically correct BS terms like ”undocumented.”
Migrant Caravan in politics
1 up, 9mo
According to Democrats they are.
So is this a lie? A mistake? Or dementia? I can't keep up!!! in politics
0 ups, 9mo
That’s every human being who isn’t brainwashed by Demo-turds.