People who support either side are playing into the bullshit con the war pigs have over on you. Leave our tax money, weapons and most importantly OUR children out of it. Let both sides devour each other and we focus on our own country and citizens and problems. We the people are not tax cattle and expendable soldiers for either Islamic, Jewish or Christian causes and we’re not political pawns. We are PEOPLE
Except that there are no examples of conservatives hating Jews in this stream or any other. Leftists are the ones cheering on Hamas. It's almost like leftists thought nobody would notice.
I mean many of thoae libs either support HAMAS or refuae to call out HAMAS or the people who supported them. So id say that they hate the Israeli people.
Sadly . . . we can not say that we are really surprised by this. Jew hating via the leftist politically correct COVER of hating Israelis has been steadily growing on the Left since Jew-hating Barack Obama was given the presidency by a leftist loyal Mainstream Media.
In truth it was already showing up here and there before Barack became president. He simply began the overt process of spinning and covering for Islamic terrorists while spitting on the Israelis. He made it cool. Now we see the end results; and it ain't pretty as roughly fifty percent of college aged -- emotional children -- openly hate Jews and adore Islamic terrorists.
Barack Hussein Obama supplied Israel the $100 billion it needed for the Iron Dome defense system that is protecting it now from further Hamas missile attack (apparently Bebe accidentally left it off on Oct 7). That's $100 billion W Bush refused to give them.
Trump said the attack was "Netanyahu's fault" and that "Hezbollah is very smart." Yup, bestest friend Israel ever had.
Scroll up and look at the comment that I was replying to to get the full context of what I had stated.
You're going up and down replying to a whole bunch of comments on a dead meme from last year, including to people no longer active here, and you couldn't scroll up one single comment to see what it is that I was addressing?
What's it to me is that I got multiple replies from you, including 2 for one of mine, hours apart, which, btw, is one I replied to above and another above that.
I'm replying to your replies to me.
How is this so confusing?
And your ASSuming I didn’t scroll up one comment to,read what you were addressing was from its inception a FALSE assumption. The first 3 letters of ASSUME is what you are when you make false assumptions.
The other day I had one arguing with me while switching back and forth between alt-identities. But it was obvious because the alt 'backing up his buddy' used the exact same grammatical structure, wordings, and committed the same spelling errors. It was hilarious.
Yes but no doubt we will soon be seeing super Gavin Newsome memes or super Kamala Harris memes . . . as soon as the DNC tell their idiot voters who to cheerlead for next.
By the way I, out of curiosity, held my nose and went dumpster diving inside the leftists only PoliticsToo stream . . . and they still have not 'noticed' that there is an Israeli/HAMAS war ongoing in the middle-east. It is still mostly all about 'Orange Man Bad'. It's fascinating to watch them self-censor on a massively important world issue like that.
I suspect that their moderators know that the average leftist is an overt Jew-hater at this point -- disguised as a despiser of Israel -- and don't want this to become ragingly obvious to any outsider having a peek at their sewer of a political stream. Just guessing on that, though.
Leftists saying that the HAMAS terrorist attack consisting of systematic raping, torture, and murdering of Israeli citizens IS a collective act of leftist generated antisemitism; and that IS what the collective political Left in the United States and Western Europe has been doing.
Now that their collective hatred for Jews is out of the bag the political Left inside the United States and around the world should just own their bone deep antisemitism.