There was Body Cam video that came out very early which showed and recorded the voices of Chauvin and Floyd. It disappeared early from public view when this became the good crisis not to waste. I have never been able to find it again anwhere, even in publicly released court findings..
Chauvin was very professional. He first entered, with his fellow officers, the store where Floyd passed the counterfeit $20. You could then watch him walk to the vehicle the store worker described, where Floyd who was IDd by the store worker was sitting driver side, in the front seat with 2 other people. Chauvin knocked on the window, Floyd rolled down the window with a stressed look on his face and the first words out of his mouth was "I can't breathe."
Then Chauvin, following proper protocol, explained why he had approached him and calmly asked him to step out of his car. Floyd repeated that he couldn't breathe, and Chauvin asked him to come out of the car where they could help him. The man and woman with Chauvin got out without resistance, while Chauvin continued to ask Floyd to get out of the car so they could assist him, asked if he had taken any drugs, told him they could get him help, and never mentioned the counterfeit $20 again in the video.
The officers eventually got Floyd in the squad car as he continued to say he could not breathe, they offered to roll down the windows and explained that they needed his cooperation to be able to get him to a hospital as soon as possible, but as he was suffocating from the overdose, he became frantic and unmanageable. No trained officer will transport an unmanageable detainee for public and officer safety, so Floyd was removed from the car where he continued to refuse assistance, and said over and over that he couldn't breathe, and he became physical in his panic and had to be restrained. Chauvin just did his job the way he should have, making split second decisions in a very dynamic situation.
For the record, when I saw the first reports of this, I was furious with the accused abuse. I accepted the media lie and asked why no one intervened when it seemed the police were killing Floyd. Only after seeing the Body Cam footage did it become clear that what the media was selling didn't allign with what really happened. Our so called Justice System serves the bourgeoisie, not the people.