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VerzeihTurncoat (94026)
Joined 2018-01-30
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Who would win? in politics
1 up, 1d
I don´t think you respect my opinion.

I voted AFD


1)The old parties deserve a punch in the face.
2)The AFD deserves the chance to dissapoint us as much as the other parties
3) The fastest was to disarm the AFD is to show the people that they are just as shit as the rest of them.
4) "Hass is keine Meinung/ Hate is no opinion" but the only reason people gave me not to vote AFD is that they hate the AFD.
5) "You must destroy the system to build a new one"~The Left + "You can not vote the rightwing, they are going to destroy the country"~ also The Left.
Who would win? in politics
0 ups, 1d
All shit-heads
Radical forever in politics
3 ups, 1w
Of your meds, Ari?

Or how did you make the jump from burning a piece of (american) paper to build a new world?
I don´t think Africa, Asia or Europe feel bound to your constitution.
Gulf of Cuba in politics
1 up, 2w
Gulf of Me
I see Trumpflation is picking up speed. in politics
3 ups, 2w
I love american politics XD
The same dumb arguements get used by the other side after election. You guys are pure comedy.