I used to be one of those people who thought Democrats were incapable of doing good and Republicans are incapable of doing bad. I am talking at the political level, not the voter level.
That changed close to 20 years ago. Now I believe that 20 years ago Democrats were actually able to do one or two things right but since then they now invent ways to be wrong. Republicans are wimps. There are a small handful (very small) of actual conservatives in the Republican party but the vast majority just keep trying to play catch up to the Democrats. Look how easily Kevin McCarthy rolled over on the bill to raise the debt ceiling. No one who has any shred of concern about the economy would have ever voted to raise the debt ceiling. Something is gotta change and it has to happen fast because the Democrats in Congress are spending more money than any other government in the history of mankind. They're bankrupting us. And the Democrat voters all have their heads in the sand thinking everything is okay. No. It's not okay. You and I, our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren and so on for several more generations are the ones having to foot this bill.
I didn't sign up to be a financial slave to a massively bloated federal government that just does not see an end in sight to all of their spending.
Anyway, I try to admit when I am wrong. I've apologized to people on ImgFlip before when I was wrong. I'm not perfect. I've never seen a liberal on ImgFlip apologize when they were wrong and the number of times they are wrong is huge.
I am glad you didn't use the other word. I hate that word. You can't watch a movie these days without each movie trying to cram in more F bombs per second. They use it so much I wonder sometimes if they are sending out some messed up version of Morse code with the number of F bombs. I'm not serious of course. I do not believe they are sending Morse code messages but if Hollywood actually had some reason to do something like that then that would be a way to do it.
It is destroying our language. It doesn't take balls to use that word. It takes a weakened mental capacity to use that word. Not to mention if you used that on ImgFlip would probably look like F followed by asterisks, so it wouldn't matter anyway.