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Swiggitygru (118995)
Joined 2022-07-16
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Cabin the the woods in politics
1 up, 3w
I heard they were doing 'archaeological research' under the Dome, so I'll take a guess that they'll wreck the foundations and/or fill it with explosives, let a rocket hit near it, collapse it from underneath and then blame whoever launched the rocket
So much death because someone so stupid… in politics
5 ups, 3w
Welp I deleted my meme by accident and left the house but here's the data:
The day biden took office: 450,600 deaths
Today: 1,219,000
Almost 300% increase the death rate under biden

So is your position going to change or just cling to your original position for dear life?
Some people actually believed that joke of an excuse in politics
3 ups, 3w
They replaced the Lord with science, and the science is constantly wrong and manipulated.
Iran's Attack On Israel Offers Netanyahu A Lifeline in politics
1 up, 3w
I'm partially convinced that Netanyahu has people in Hamas and Iran (among others) and funnels money into it to generate attacks.

It can't be a coincidence that this guy maintains power decade after decade solely on the backs of terrorist attacks....and has perpetual terrorist attacks whenever his support is dropping or election season is coming
If only....... in politics
3 ups, 3w
its like putting you in constant unrelated meetings for half your day and sending you to court every other day, then complaining that your work is lacking

Also absolutely nobody is stopping the democrats and everythings absolutely terrible.
Are you telling me that minor growth is worse than the cr*p show the nation is in now?