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Just to summarize.

7,833 views 113 upvotes Made by Graeystone 4 years ago in politics
18 ups, 4y
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12 ups, 4y,
2 replies
____ Rate Drops To 0% | Biden's ratings | image tagged in ____ rate drops to 0 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
You know there is lots of beheading happening right now...
10 ups, 4y
Joe Biden 2020 | SO HIS RATING FINALLY MATCHES HIS IQ ZERO | image tagged in joe biden 2020 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
If Biden were beheaded, we couldn't tell the difference. :-/
2 ups, 4y
Like the media will ever report that.
10 ups, 4y,
1 reply

Yep, and that leads one to the inevitable question of, "Hey liberal tools and hate-filled leftists . . . NOW . . . do you finally have enough common sense to . . . miss . . . Trump?"
7 ups, 4y,
1 reply
And Biden pointlessly altered the agreement, pissing off the Taliban & gaining us…what? What did we get by staying another four months?
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Simple incompetence and naivety by the puppet master running Biden. Or a master plan to give China everything they want. Tell the big guy thanks Hunter!
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Hunter wha?
That's so adorable. "Ukraine, hurr hurr"
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Ironic coming from the, “Trumps kids are crooked and colluded with Russia” crowd.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Read what your amazing whataboutism said, and let that sink in.
Ironic indeed.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Whataboutism is such a cute little diversion that those without a real argument use to distract. See ad hominem, straw man, etc. etc. it’s not whataboutism. It’s pointing out hypocrisy. Let that sink in.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
At least you're aware that that's exactly what you did and why.
0 ups, 4y
Yes, I pointed out your hypocrisy in decrying whataboutism while actively engaging in it yourself.
6 ups, 4y,
2 replies
What's your point? Trump did not prove to be an incompetent Commander-in-Chief . . . Biden did. Or are you saying that Biden is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid and incompetent that he NEEDED to bring Trump out of retirement to handle the turnover for him?
0 ups, 4y,
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Maybe they pinky swore.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
You’re confused. That’s the guy Obama let out of Guantanamo who is now overseeing the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Interesting. Did the dude attack the guards as they set him free? It must've been because of his strong power of perception judging Obama as an incredibly strong (possibly the strongest ever) President.

0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
No he went back to Afghanistan despite Obama’s claim that they would never be active enemies again. He saw Obama for the weak fool he was.
0 ups, 4y,
3 replies
(For anyone else reading this what I said above was kind of an inside joke.. Blue seemed to think the reason the 5,000 Taliban didn't immediately attack after being set free from prison was because trump is "tough" or whatever ...not because they were simply waiting for us to leave to regain control of their country.)

Anyways don't fret. We could still take him out Soleimani style.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
No now China will move in and defend them. Xi will threaten Biden and he will cower.
0 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
All you got is b b b but Trump? 😂
0 ups, 4y
All I got?? I think you must have skipped a few other segments there buddy.

You brought up the glorious Biden and I kept it going.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Haha obviously the lefts inability to perceive or predict is evident by the glorious incompetent leader Traitor Joe. Oh wait giving over all our equipment and stranding 10’s of thousands citizens and allies was all “factored in”
0 ups, 4y
To be fair I heard they also left consumer and armored vehicles... (With no keys.)

Personally I would've just left the keys right there with the car.... in the ignition... started the car and just left it running there with a full tank of gas..... as the oil drained out.

As far as the glorious Joe Biden... It was pretty glorious when he won in the 2020 landslide victory....And then won the recounts... And then won the lawsuits.. and then won the audits.... I almost feel bad for trump. Kicked off of social media.. His little joke of a website flopped almost immediately. Last I heard he was still rambling on about the election during speeches at weddings. Lol
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
There was an agreement with Bush as well. I'm glad we're out, but in this case, we could've at least waited until everyone was safe that was promised asylum for their efforts.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
hahaha, they downvoted your comment into lowrated as well, sheesh!

What was Biden doing all this time by delaying, looking at charts of possible scenarios?
If they can do this mass evacuation now, they should have been doing it already before the clocked struck 12:10.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
People don't know where to side on this and that disgusts me. Thousands of Americans are now in hostage mode because fukboy Biden pulled out too soon. I think everyone knew in the deepest downiest parts that the Taliban would take over regardless of our efforts, so I don't even fault either Pres for letting that happen. It just disgusts me that he left our people there for the sake of appearances. The excuse, or reason, I hear, is that we didn't want to project a lack of confidence in the Afghan leadership to hold the country by evacuating. Who the f**k cares if they are falling, then get our people out. To me it's that simple.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
I had heard the Talibam made agreements with various regiments of Afghan soldiers for them to fold and cut out when the Talibs showed up. That no one got wind of this is odd.

Thing is, there is no side. Like you said, they'd eventually take over anyways.
The place has always been difficult to control. Alexander the Great married a local princess, and that didn't help quell the restive province. Iran (which it had usually been a part of) had trouble as well, with them last breaking away in the 1700s.

Of course one simple solution is to cut off their funding, which mainly comes from Pakistan which means it mainly comes from us. But that's not going to happen because the thought of pictures of starving Pakistani children on the cover of National Geographic scares us.
1 up, 4y,
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I think we knew, just not "officially". I think Trump began this negotiated pullout with the Taliban, knowing full well how it would end, and honestly, I don't fault him for it, because it's just being pragmatic at the end of the day. If he was in power he'd be taking it on the chin just like Biden.
The Taliban owns this county, and we created their ass, so I guess this is how it gets to be going forward. Our foreign policy sucks ass, changing every few years, then adapting to the new leader, only to grasp at another change years after that. It's no wonder these people hate us. We can't keep promises to save our lives (literally).

Yes...the optics rule our every decision, for better or worse. Pretty soon someone will give us a good reason to go back and bomb sand. Just glad I'm out. Let the younguns feel the frustration from here on out I guess.
1 up, 4y
It has been suggested that Trump might have been purposely leaving something of a potential mess to burden Biden with should he take his place, the talk of striking against Iran as Inauguration 2021 loomed also fitting in with this notion.

Or maybe he just wanted what we all wanted - to get out of that never ending nightmare.

The only other altrernative is to forever keep them on our teat, and that's a rather costly endeavour of which the only thing we get is ever layering messes to sort out.
Think Lord of the Flies meets The Island of Doctor Moreau in a rehersal for Mad Max on heroin but with no House of Pain to incentivize the restive locals to try to keep in line.

We created the Taliban?

Anyways, I'mma give this bucket of spilt milk curddling two weeks past expiration 2 - 4 months before the troops are sent back for ye olde humanitarian reasons then Biden will get to pat himself on the back for being such a swell lump of moldy cheese,,,
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
We would've never left, then.
1 up, 4y,
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We are currently evacuating people....That is a doable thing. We could've done it before sneaking out, but didn't. That's the fail here, taking out the protection of our people before actually taking out the people. That was a political move that backfired. You're saying that we could never leave unless we left our own people there to die. That's just ridiculous.
0 ups, 4y,
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Never should've been there in the first place. Either we go and occupy forever, or never at all. In an area where the majority of the cultural climate isn't buying what we're selling, then we can't expect it to be on us to make the change necessary for them to catch up with the rest of the world. Which, honestly, was never our intention in the first place. We're primarily over there just for oil. And once we got what we wanted, we lost interest in whatever it was we were lying about why we were still there. If we wanted the Taliban dead, we would've done it by now.

But because our immigration system is f**ked, the Taliban will always be able to grow their numbers. We've made it pretty clear that we don't give a f**k about them. Even if we prioritized the saving foreign allies who wish to become US citizens, which should've been started day one, it wouldn't matter. We simply don't have an interest in bringing any foreign allies who are essentially undesirables in their home country to the US. The government doesn't care. The citizens don't care. Maybe some people in the military understand but their voices are never going to be heard nor will ever be strong enough in the places that will matter to get that done.

If the government of Afghanistan fell in less than a few days because we withdrew, then the Afghan government never had a chance.
0 ups, 4y,
4 replies
The fact that we shouldn't have been there is not in dispute here. The fact that we abandoned thousands of Americans and people who were promised asylum just one month ago is. This is the worst military embarrassment the US has had to endure in decades, so much so that China felt obligated to tell Taiwan that the US would do them the same way if China invaded. Maybe Joe will send Taiwan blankets like his PaPa O did for Ukraine. We projected weakness and incompetence, by abandoning our own people to terrorists for the sake of appearances. The whole world is watching in disgust.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The leading political talking points are:

"Trump could've done it better."

No, he couldn't. I'm saying no one could. That's not a political talking point. If it were, I would be saying only so-and-so could do it better.

People claiming this could've been handled better have no grasp of the complex situation at all.

Much like you, sir.
0 ups, 4y
I've never said Trump could handle anything better. And when you're addressing me, try just sticking to my comments and not deflecting to your usual retarded talking points. The fact that we are evacuating people right now while being surrounded by the enemy, proves that we could have done it, and done it effectively prior to letting the Taliban run across the country killing everyone. That fact that you can't grasp that simple concept shows just how sold out your brain is to defending Biden no matter what, when almost every news network is decrying what a shit show this is. I was there when all this shit escalated under Reagan so spare me your condescending bullshit about not understanding the complexities of it. I also served over there along with my brother, so I have an understanding of the situation on the ground as well. It's you, who are scrambling to make a cogent point in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that doesn't understand how evacuations and withdrawals work.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Yes, and I’m saying there was no applicable way to withdraw. It was always going to end this way if the Afghan government was that weak.

Our choices were either to stay indefinitely to fight their civil war or let the Afghan government crumble.

There was no middle ground. If there was, after our long occupation, it wouldn’t have fallen while withdrawing.

In fact, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the Afghan government fell on purpose. They’ve probably been funneling money to the Taliban the whole time. Either way, they appeared to have no confidence in their ability to hold power unless we stayed. At some point, a country has to stand on it’s own.
0 ups, 4y
The one choice that you seem to think was impossible was to start removing people months ago, or even weeks ago while there was still protection available. You're stuck on stupid here. No one is saying we should've stayed. I'm saying...f**king again...that the choice to abandon thousands of Americans to terrorists was a f**k-up of colossal proportions. We don't do that, leave people behind. That's what cowards do. The Taliban was no threat to anyone until we removed our forces. Now we have thousands abandoned in enemy territory that we just gave away for the sake of optics. Our people were never even warned to leave. Stop deflecting to the tired talking point that everyone agrees on. Even Trump knew the war wasn't winnable long term, hence, his desire to get us out. AGAIN...catch up. You keep talking about shit no one is even arguing over.
0 ups, 4y
"Weeks ago...the Taliban held a minuscule part of the country, and our troops were standing between them and their goals."

And the US fell for it.

"everyone in the media and Europe, wherever you look online right now, have attested."

It's cool when the media sides with you, isn't it? It's great you think their opinion matters now.

"There was no way to avoid the takeover, something I've not seen a single person claim to the contrary"

Myself included.

"Now we have ISIS 2.0"

Oh, come on. The Taliban is the OG ISIS. Don't even play that. If anything, ISIS is Taliban 2.0.

"Soon all the videos of beheading and shootings will slow down and you'll feel better about all those people we left to die, even our own citizens."

And we'll be right back where we started some 10 years ago. Sending troops back into Afghanistan while the Taliban will go back into their caves and wait until we leave.

Rinse and repeat.

"you're just too stupid to be carrying on this conversation."

Yet, I'm not the one needing to attack the arguer to get my point across but I forgive your outbursts due to the frustrations concerning this situation. And I further apologize for drawing out this comment chain in this way, but I did come in at the ass end of it. Unless there is more to discuss without repeating ourselves, I have no more to say.

Which all I'm saying is, this isn't all on Biden. It's most definitely on him but it's too easy to say it is all on him and it's simply not.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"The fact that we are evacuating people right now while being surrounded by the enemy, proves that we could have done it, and done it effectively prior to letting the Taliban run across the country killing everyone."


"That fact that you can't grasp that simple concept shows just how sold out your brain is to defending Biden no matter what"

LOL, me pointing out the obvious is defending Biden? Okay.

"When almost every news network is decrying what a shit show this is."

Because occupation without ANY INTENT to create a strong Afghan government or recruit new US citizens was always going to fail.

You being in the military doesn't mean you have a better grasp of the situation. I'm sorry but it doesn't. If you did, then you'd know that evacuation, no matter how small we started, was always going to ignite Taliban retaliation, reinstate calls for more troops, rinse and repeat.

I get you're frustrated because yes, it does make the US look weak. Because the only way we could've shown strength in Afghanistan was to stay indefinitely.

To illustrate, it's like the US crashed a car into a building called Afghanistan with the ability to pull out. And the store owner government is unwilling to bring in any real contractors to stabilize the building's support to allow the car to pull out. Staying at impasse for years, before finally we just decided to pull the car out, and everyone blaming us for pulling out when we shouldn't have crashed in the first place.

Yes, it could've been handled better but the Afghan government receiving zero blame is utter bullshit.

And piling it only on Biden is only a political talking point. Not a real fact.
0 ups, 4y
Weeks ago...the Taliban held a minuscule part of the country, and our troops were standing between them and their goals. If you don't think we could have gotten our people out under those circumstances then you're just too stupid to be carrying on this conversation. I don't care what the Taliban did. It was always my belief that they would own the country the moment we left. But soldiers don't leave people behind unless ordered to do so by incompetent politicians. We never did that. Not a single US soldier has been killed in that country in was under control. An evacuation would have been easy. Instead, Biden listened to the Afghan leaders and refused to evacuate our people to avoid projecting a lack of confidence that they could defend their country. That wasn't our job. Our job was to leave, get our people out, and keep whatever promises we could. It's that simple. It was a political move, not a military one, and it failed miserably, as everyone in the media and Europe, wherever you look online right now, have attested. Evacuating these people weeks ago would have been the better move, domestically. There was no way to avoid the takeover, something I've not seen a single person claim to the contrary, but there was plenty of time and opportunity to do this right. Biden was just trying, like Obama before him, to score political points for a withdrawal. Now we have ISIS 2.0 to deal with, not that Biden has the balls or brain cells left to handle such a situation. But don't worry. Soon all the videos of beheading and shootings will slow down and you'll feel better about all those people we left to die, even our own citizens.
4 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Final decisions to uphold any "deal" are based on real time Intel. Do not buy for a second that Biden was somehow "locked in" to anything.

He chose this fiasco. Or more aptly, the radical-left handlers who pull the strings and make him move, did.
3 ups, 4y,
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4 ups, 4y,
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Trump proposed it BUT Biden executed the action. It is Biden's fault. Stop trying to divert the actions of your failed president, Biden had the choice not to go with it, he is just too dumb and puppet and did it irrationally. Maybe next time you will educate yourself some more about the candidate you vote for.
0 ups, 4y,
5 replies
So you wanted to keep those 5000 people incarcerated?

Also, fun fact - the fella running the Taliban right now? He was one of the Gitmo detainees that Obama traded for Bowe Berghdahl.

Three dimensional chess, we were assured Obama the Lightworker was playing. Eight moves ahead.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Wait, you're HAPPY that these 5000 TERRORISTS were released by Trump?
I know this cult thingy is really out there, but that's kind of a tad twisted a lot.

I'm bored with this, and I don't like conversing with people who want the goverment to give terrorists free housing and whatnot, so can we stop wasting my time? I'm busy watching TWD.
0 ups, 4y
Strawman and projection of emotions. Amateur hour out of you.

At the end of a war, generally those prisoners of said war are exchanged. We caught and did not kill 5k Talis. They caught and did not kill 1k Afghans. To make a scandal out of a POW prisoner swap at the end of a war is either disingenuous or stupid. I know where my money lies on that one.

Would you rather these prisoners be kept incarcerated forever? Or the war to continue? Or for us to just line them all up and shoot them? Pretty monstrous. Yikes.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Oh, wait, I see what you're doing there - them folks is Demonicrats? Right? That's the punchline?

Perhaps you should ask them to make a thyme musheen so they can help out the Donster? I'm sure they'll be glad to help him out, he sure made em richer...
0 ups, 4y
Simply suggesting that they match their ideology and rhetoric with action.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Try paying attention, kid:

Who had the 5000 Talibaniyos released?

Therefore Trump Tower.

Now I'm sure defending Bunker Donny is of high priority, but, um, he'll survive the night intact. Mostly.
0 ups, 4y
Pay attention indeed. Progressives are all about recitivism. You should be pleased that these marginalized souls were freed.

And Nance should be the one to pony up lodging. After all, all God's children share that spark of divinity. Ice Cream Social, baby...!
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
NYC? Trump Tower is part of Daddy Freddy's project housing too?
0 ups, 4y
Bernie's got a lot more room. He's got what, seven homes?

Maybe Pelosi can open her vineyard. She's all about that open arms compassion and Catholic charity, right?
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Naah, just give the 5000 a home at Trump Towers.
0 ups, 4y
New York City can't handle the strain on the entitlement programs.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
What’s up with all of those pictures of the lady from Resident Evil?
0 ups, 4y
They're templates.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
So what? Biden owns the disaster of execution regardless of whose plan it was. He didn’t feel bound too ok follow any other plan of his predecessor whether it was good or bad. It’s Bidens disaster no matter how bad you want it to be Trumps fault.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Golly, the Capt Obvious on overdrive round here is so cute.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
If it’s obvious stop trying to use your whataboutism to imply it’s Trumps fault. It’s not it’s Bidens. Some people need a captain obvious to remind them what reality is.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Who tha heck said it wasn't Biden's fault?
You ARE aware Blinkyeye Biden IS the President now, yes?

Cut the crap kid, you stalk my comments, and we both know you saw the last ones I made this morning before I logged out, hence you following me to them.
You LeftRightLeftRight drones just crack me up. Triggering both of y'all at once. 'Tis a pleasure.

0 ups, 4y
It must be hard to keep your thoughts together. Do you mean you’re whataboutism is not to be construed as a defense of your selected idol Traitor Joe?
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Ha who follows who. You comment on more of mine. Aside from proofreading my comments you have a stalker fetish. I peruse the stream and comment when I see something absurd. Not my fault your comments are what they are.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Um, you, still?
0 ups, 4y
Me still what, trigger?
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  • Donald trump approves
  • Joe Biden