Do you support BLM? Most liberals: yes. Their platform is a fake narrative that there is structured racism - despite more successful people of color than any other country. To think structured racism exists in a pool of results so strikingly higher than other countries - is insane.
Do you support that gender is "assigned" at birth - and not just an observation of the equipment a baby is born with? Most liberals: yes. We are mammals - male and female like 98 some off percent of the other mammals on the planet. All of this identifying as this or that - is a way to normalize whatever issues led a person to that decision. Which is fine by me. You want to dress up as a woman as a man - fine. But don't expect me to dictate it as normal - because mathematically it's very abnormal. Forcing others to believe something mathematically unsound - is insane.
Do you find yourself on the side of "My body - my choice" -- but when it comes to a vaccine, you want it to be mandatory? A LOT of liberals: Yes. Believing in my body my choice - then dictating that others do something to their body against their choice.... Is both hypocritical and indicative of narcissistic tendencies.
Do you find yourself leaning more towards Vegan options - mainly because eating animals is evil? The meat free liberals: YES MeAT is MuRder!!! To ignore that humanity has been an omnivorous species since we can remember through whatever archaic record keeping we had.... Is blatantly ignoring science. You want to be vegan? Fine - not everyone else needs to be and it isn't evil to enjoy bacon.
Do you find yourself encouraging more gun laws? On the side of Gun Free zones because guns kill people? Most liberals that vote: Yes. Some of the strictest gun laws exist in the cities with some of the most gun related crime -- you can analyze that data. Normal citizens are disarmed. Criminals don't follow the gun laws and have guns. The cops and military have guns. So it is almost as if this enables criminals and disabled citizens... If you can't put two and two together - you aren't insane, but I wouldn't call that person mentally well either.
Do you find yourself voting for Democratic candidates - regardless of the Democratic Party having a history of financial misgivings and blunders - despite their cities being the most dangerous cities to live in - despite their constant finger pointing at who is to blame? Most liberals:. Yes - Orange Man and anyone Republican is evil.