No, you don't know. You assume. You are clearly and blatantly assuming based on a political bias. Otherwise, you're prejudiced. There is nothing inherently wrong with that. Children and I suppose immature people can sometimes make the same kind of premature judgments based on the limited information they have.
I'm sorry you don't like being responded to when you say something highly suspect. Would you like to clarify your statements? Or you can double down and continue to make people assume you're pretty much advocating killing people based solely on their political beliefs rather than their criminal actions. When you say depopulate, and you mean actively going out to kill democrat/racist/marxist/antifa/blm, rather than simply defending yourself, then there is no difference between you and that person who you presume is openly attacking people based on their skin, or culture, or politics. You're just more of a same with a different flag or skin tone and you've become the very terrorist you seek to destroy.
Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with arguing or debating with people to fight for your beliefs. There is nothing wrong with stopping someone who is a direct threat to you or someone else. Them existing is not enough. And when you pursue them, you lose all justification for your actions. If you really want to kill people, might I suggest joining the military or the police? In some cases, mostly the former, you're given all the justification you need to do exactly that.
I don't have to do anything you say, just as you don't have to do anything I say. The difference is, I'm not asking for much while you're clearly not a great recruiter for whatever cause or agenda you're advocating for. Most people don't like terrorists, thieves, rapists, or criminals, true. But if you seriously think every criminal act is politically motivated or that only democrats or people with different political beliefs commit these actions, you're very sorely mistaken.