As a black man, I wish you'd stop saying stupid shit like this about us. We ain't stupid and we know how to get a f**kin ID. ID's have to be used to get a bank account, Medicaid, welfare, foodstamps, all those things that poor black people have no problem getting....require and ID, which means we already have em and can use those to vote. Local governments will even give you a ride to the DMV to get an ID if you request. Where are all these idiots that can't get an ID? And why is it always the blacks that get called "to stupid to get an ID"? Do poor white people have problems getting an ID? Nope? Cause they ain't dumb like us n**gas? Black people have the easiest time voting. Ya'll f**kin send your buses into our neighborhoods and take us to the precincts for gods sake. Everytime you f**ktards talk about us it's about how we can't do this or can't do that because we too stupid. Liberals are the most racist f**kwads this planet has ever produced!