starvation. They will control our military and law enforcement with starvation (given the choice of standing for the rule of law or feeding modest rations to their children, they will choose food- look at North Korea, everyone is starving, the only ones fed are the military). As we can only focus on our immediate physical needs, we will be totally controlled.
The economy will be completely crashed, think about the stock market crash in 2020. There will be brief period of euphoria to draw economic resources into the market, then those resources will be vaporized. We will be required to turn our cash into the banks for conversion to a uniform digital currency, which again will eventually vaporize. The Chinese system of social scores perfected by the CCP and Google will be used to determine what the benevolent government will permit you to have, dissent is extinguished. We will be made to trust no one, not even our own families (Soviet style secret police will be "everywhere.")
I can go on for a long time because I have studied this for decades. Let me sum things up. We are about to be totally disrupted. You must secure all resources you have accumulated that will be used against us. You must be prepared to end up 1500 miles from your familiar home. You will not be able to bring anything with you, including a Bible, a pocket knife, or a pen and paper. Life will be hell.
When nations were under the thumb of communism finally revolted and took back their freedom, it all came from the simple expression, No. The refusal to continue to comply was given knowing it could result in death, but the willingness to die for freedom won the day.
Jewish slave labor sabotaged Nazi war efforts by installing defects in munitions, communication devices, etc. Passive resistance will undermine the Great Reset. The military can read the face of your watch from satellite. Organized resistance can be tracked and destroyed (think Solemani, look up the Ginsu Missile). Technology will make our resistance far more impossible, but the spirit of freedom within each of us will prevail unless we allow it to be extinguished.
In 1776 citizens hid copies of the Declaration of Independence in attics and paintings. We need to do the same if possible with founding documents, Bibles, and histories.
Like I said, I hope I am horribly wrong, if so these preparations cost nothing. But when John Kerry promises the US will comply more quickly than planned and with greater intensity, we can't ignore