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Steedly (31608)
Joined 2020-03-18
Illegal immigrant, bed wetting basement dweller, snowflake, liberal, sonofabitch.
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LIFE IMITATES ART? in politics
0 ups, 4y
You should let George Lucas know they ripped off his 2x2 formation... or Noah.. I think the first picture is Disney world also.
Saw this quote by Teddy in politics
0 ups, 4y
I’m a white person and idk where you feel that “vile hatred is being poured” on you specifically because of your skin color. You need to examine those beliefs and decide how true that feeling really is.
Saw this quote by Teddy in politics
0 ups, 4y
If you use those symbols “ “ you are trying to attribute the words to the person.. full stop. If you guys want to parade around and claim that the quotation symbols don’t actually have their intended meaning let me just remind you...

“All conservatives are morons and I only want to separate them from their freedoms and cash”.
-Donald Trump
Saw this quote by Teddy in politics
0 ups, 4y
Man reading your comments....

I’m just gonna guess that you truly don’t interact with any black people in a meaningful way. I’m sure you just kind of stand at a distance an stare with fear. The amount of othering you’re doing is... disgusting.

If you’re a young man you should be careful because you will grow to be embarrassed of these beliefs one day. If you’re an old man... god help you