"Also, IMO, liberalism embraces "diversity" but sacrifices "unity" by doing so. For example, when people marry, they generally commit to a person who thinks similarly about raising a family, finances, morality, religion, hobbies, etc. It matters not if the people are of the same race as different races share the same interests and similar personalities so let me take the race card off the table as people are so much more than just a skin color. So, in marriage, diversity is a 'negative' force that often destroys unity and leads to divorce. This principle can be extended to the subject at hand."
>> So, we need to identify what kind of liberalism you're talking about. Making a blanket statement makes it easy to counter what you're saying. I disagree with what you're saying entirely. The diversity and different approaches to life the my wife and I have are what makes us strong. We compliment each other by making up for each other's weaknesses with our own strengths.
Again, not sure what kind of liberalism you're talking about, but I'm gonna try to follow along. In general the diversity that this liberalism you mention does not encourage marrying cross-race simply for the sake of doing so. I would go so far as to contend that marrying someone just like you who shares the exact same ideas you do breeds stagnation and will easily cause you two to grow apart from each other as changes in personality is inevitable. Thus, comes the "You aren't the same person I married." You also have the same approaches to challenges, so if one of you can't come up with solutions, neither of you can. Diversity rocks.
"MOST of our population is attracted to the opposite sex. Liberalism again embraces diversity to the point that we are now amending the English language to pacify the minority. Years ago there was a popular comment worded similar to 'being gay at first was tolerated, then encouraged and then became mandatory'. It almost seems that the tongue-in-cheek statement is becoming reality..."
>> You see, this is a slippery slope you're making. If you really think that homosexuality will become a mandatory function and part of our lives, you're in need of some serious help. You need to talk to someone who is educated in these matters and help alleviate your paranoias and break this horrible brainwashing you have. Yet, you did in fact say "It almost seems..." What point were you trying to make when you said that? Be honest, it was a scare tactic.