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acuity12 (196051)
Joined 2011-10-11
I am The Simplifier. ooooo look, emojis in taglines 🐢🐢 💩💩
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Blank Transparent Square templateBlank Comic Panel 2x2 templateBlank Comic Panel 1x2 templateParty Parrot templateBlank Comic Panel 2x1 templateSpeech Bubble Oval Left Bottom template

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Good idea? in imgflip
4 ups, 12mo
Why are you trying to make gifs that long? Shouldn't that be just a video at that point?
Thanks imgflip for giving us an extra ai template per month in imgflip
3 ups, 12mo
Might be temporary hehe, super good AI but super expensive! The new dalle3 makes incredible images
New updates in a nutshell in imgflip
3 ups, 12mo
We've definitely thought about all these options many times. The most obvious thing is that new innovations and change are needed to the home and community aspects. The 5% is indeed more active, but there's also extremely low desire for social users to pay for things, and high expense and brand damage due to all the things that come with running a social network like moderation. According to users, our mods are simultaneously both leftists and rightists trying to silence people or whatever.
Imgflip is dying in imgflip
3 ups, 12mo
right now in particular is just christmas time, always a massive fall-off for a week or two
New updates in a nutshell in imgflip
3 ups, 12mo
we certainly want to maintain all of the meme creation and templates imgflip is known for, but expanding into more quick creative tools sounds like a good project