Recreational sex gets you in trouble. Because of recreational sex, we have rape culture. Because of recreational sex, people are forced to stay in toxic relationships for the sake of their children. Because of recreational sex, we have abortion. But of course, wokies don't want to take responsibility for their actions.
I don't know why you think that's what I meant. But since you asked, here's my real point:
Sex procreation. So many people use sex as recreation and they are still not seeing how much trouble it can get you into. Because of recreational sex, we have rape/hookup culture. Because of recreational sex, people are forced to stay in toxic relationships for the sake of the children they have together. Because of recreational sex, people have to justify killing their unborn babies so they don't have to take responsibility for their actions.
So many problems would be solved if people would just see sex for what it really is. But all they care about is making themselves happy, even if for a moment.