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Out of the Basement Just in Time to Become President-elect of The United States!

Out of the Basement Just in Time to Become President-elect of The United States! | If You Don't Buy It, You Ain't Black! STEAL; STEAL; Media Endorsed; With Tepid Introduction by Barack Obama; JOE ADMITS TO "THE MOST EXTENSIVE & INCLUSIVE VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION" 
IN AMERICAN POLITICS | image tagged in politics,political meme,joe biden,basement dweller,potus,election fraud | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4,192 views 132 upvotes Made by vBackman 4 years ago in politics
14 ups, 4y,
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"If you buy the limited edition, you get an exclusive behind the scenes from Hunter Biden! You must order now! Call 1-800-6969-JOE. That is 1-800-6969-JOE!"
12 ups, 4y,
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 4y
Beijing Biden and his bosses wants to take you for a ride | image tagged in beijing biden and his bosses wants to take you for a ride | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I’ve never laughed at a meme like this in my life
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Well Creepy Uncle Joe is so funny. If I have 4 years of memes of him, watch for more.
2 ups, 4y
Same | image tagged in same | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, 4y
Out loud I mean
6 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y
ALSO, get a freeeeeee “F**K DONALD TRUMP” poster TODAY!
12 ups, 4y,
2 replies
When every legal vote has been counted, President Trump will win in a landslide. Of that, I’m totally convinced.
4 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The problem is all the illegal votes that were counted too.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Sure, and the Earth is also flat. Just keep on denying reality.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
What? That it will never happen?
You must have had a change of heart. 😂
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
No, that illegal votes were counted.
1 up, 4y,
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Look who’s denying reality. It’s a known fact that ballots were submitted for dead people.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Ah yes, the ol' dead voters chestnut the Republicans keep throwing out. Too bad it was disproven. Any instances of so-called dead voters can be attributed to human or software error, usually by voter rolls not being updated properly, misattribution of votes to people with the same name as a deceased person, or any other number of mistakes which are taken into account well before the vote count is done. It doesn't mean there was voter fraud, and occasionally someone casts a ballot before dying.

In the extremely rare instances someone intentionally tries to cast a ballot on behalf of a deceased person, they are usually if not always caught, and it is nowhere near the scale that would suggest widespread fraud, or even affect the outcome.

You guys on the right need to quit blindly trusting everything your Dear Orange Leader says. The dead voter crap is tired and busted. Give it up already.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Several states mailed ballots to everyone on their voter rolls. These rolls included people who died. Add to that the fact that sate courts prohibited counties from rejecting ballots where the voter’s signature on it did not resemble the signature on the voter’s registration form.
If you can’t see how this opens up the election to fraud then you’re in denial.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
This argument amounts to basically nothing more than "It's possible for fraud to occur, therefore it occurred", which is a completely spurious leap of logic.

Admittedly I stated earlier that voter rolls may not be updated properly, which means mail-in ballots may be sent to dead people by accident. This doesn't prove that dead people voted, or even that every mail-in ballot was sent in. Again, another spurious leap of logic.

As for signature matching of ballots, I might be more inclined to agree to your claim that not having signature matching opens up the election to widespread voter fraud if there was actually any evidence that said fraud occurred in those states.

So let's see, how many states actually have signature matching? Well, according to Ballotpedia, there are 32. So 18 states don't have signature matching. Let's narrow it down a bit, otherwise we're gonna be here all day.

There are 12 states that Associated Press has labelled "swing states". Of those states, 7 of them (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Texas) have signature matching and 5 of them (Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) don't. Let's narrow it down even further.

Of the swing states, the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in 6 states. Of these, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada have signature matching, which leaves only Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to consider, so let's examine those two states.

Neither Pennsylvania nor Wisconsin have automatically sent out mail-in ballots to every registered voter; you had to request an absentee or mail-in ballot, although Wisconsin did send out applications. So your erroneous voter roll claim doesn't apply here for those states.

Pennsylvania requires as identification the applicant's driver's license number or ID number, or the last four digits of their Social Security Number, as well as a signature on the declaration field. If they don't have any of those, they have to provide a photocopy of a valid ID. Wisconsin requires a photocopy of a valid ID. In order for widespread voter fraud to occur in those two states, there would also have to be identity theft on a massive scale.

As I explained in a comment on someone else's meme, in this country there is law known as "innocent until proven guilty". The burden of proof lies on the accuser, not the accused, to provide evidence of wrongdoing, and NO EVIDENCE HAS SO FAR BEEN PRESENTED. Why is this so hard for the Cult of Trump to understand?
1 up, 4y,
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If they aren’t going to match signatures, why even have people sign at all? It just shows that using a signature to verify a ballot was cast by the registered voter is a flawed system. Sure, the identity was verified when the person registered but it does nothing to validate that the ballot was tent to, received by, filled out and returned by that same person. And as long as states refuse to investigate allegations of fraud there won’t be any evidence.

Admittedly, there probably isn’t enough fraud to overturn the election . . . This time. But with such lax voter integrity laws and enforcement going on, do we have to wait until enough fraud actually does swing an election in favor of a conservative before the left decides to do something about it?

I’m sure you’ll ignore these facts about votes from dead people because they don’t come from your list of approved news sources. But that’s the whole problem. The MSM isn’t sharing these stories because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

Rosemary Hartle died in 2017
But her voter registration remains on the rolls. Someone received Rosemarie Hartle's ballot in the mail and then cast it. We don't know who did this. We wish we did, because it's fraud. It's a threat to our system, and it's being hidden by a news media totally vested in a Joe Biden presidency.

Dead people, like any other group, tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote, and this year, we made it much easier for the dead to vote. States sent ballots and registration forms to millions of people, totally unsolicited. The pretext was COVID and a public health emergency. The effect was to encourage fraud.
1 up, 4y
States have investigated or are investigating allegations of fraud.

You don't get to accuse me of media bias when you yourself post a link to a website that also has media bias. F**k your double standard.

Again, this is an extremely rare case of individual voter fraud. Anyway, the vote was most likely thrown out because it was discovered the voter was dead. That proves the electoral process is working, not that it's broken.

We haven't made it any easier for dead people to vote, but Republicans have made it easier to undermine democracy by spreading false accusations of widespread voter fraud.

I'm done with this thread. Feel free to not reply.
1 up, 4y
Also, that particular case of dead voting occurred in Nevada, which as I pointed out earlier, is one of the signature matching states, so signature matching didn't even help, so why even bother bringing that up? And if you're so critical of states not matching signatures, ask yourself this: why aren't we investigating for voter fraud in all the other states that *don't* have signature matching? Oh wait, I know why...because your Dear Orange Leader didn't make any allegations against those states!

Okay, now I'm done. Goodbye.
0 ups, 4y
Well then, there's some great real estate in Florida that you should interest you too
8 ups, 4y
6 ups, 4y,
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3 ups, 4y
7 ups, 4y,
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I upvoted after reading, "With tepid introduction from Barack Obama". lol
3 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y,
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2 ups, 4y,
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2 ups, 4y,
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It's a good painting! I dunno why the dude posted it though...
0 ups, 4y
IGK, he posted it because he is a flaming liberal and one never knows WHY they do things....
4 ups, 4y,
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3 ups, 4y
4 ups, 4y
Great job, vBackman!
1 up, 4y
1 up, 4y
2 ups, 4y
The details tho 😂😂
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Must read vB, and don't miss the most horrifying and Satanic film in ages- starring the Democrat party
0 ups, 4y
Dan, 😂😂😂...
2 ups, 4y
Lol. This is so pathetic. I love it, though. Somebody call the wambulance.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
You're as dumb as Trump.
0 ups, 4y
I take that as a very high compliment....thank you!!
0 ups, 4y
What is your proof of fraud? Why has not trump given us and evidence of fraud?
1 up, 4y

Kinda seems like it’s getting there
2 ups, 4y,
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2 ups, 4y,
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Perhaps a freudian slip.
0 ups, 4y,
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So true but absolutely acceptable to Democrats. Had Trump said it, he would have been brought up on charges. Are you as sick of them as I am, Pascalean?
1 up, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
Gee, you have a short memory. I seem to remember Trump being impeached for nothing. Quid pro quo Joe runs off without consequence when he actually did have compromised behavior ON TAPE and with computer backup!
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Octavia, there comes a time when the word "gaffe" just doesn't quite cover the anomaly.
0 ups, 4y,
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Guess I hit the post button by accident. Anyway, this is SO CLEARLY a statement that no normal person would make out of the blue. The significance of it is monumental but of course, the lapdog media sighs. You leftists are just plain morally and mentally corrupt.
1 up, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y,
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I stand behind my comment 100%. You can call me anything you want, Octavia, as it doesn't bother me. I am on the right side of this issue and those with the ability to decipher good vs evil and right from wrong would side with conservative values.
1 up, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y
Society moves 'forward'? WTH? So, your "society" consists of classy/destructive BLM 'protesters', Anti-fa terrorists, illegals, criminal looters attempting to convert our cities into San Francisco "standards" of non-excellence. Abolishing police is seen as a good thing. No thanks! Will stick with folks who encourage family values, marriage, hard work, honesty, respect for life (of the unborn and for ALL lives and not just some), smaller government, less taxes, right to bear arms, freedom of speech and so forth. It is SO CLEAR that Democrat Socialists/Communists are on the wrong side of life.

You clearly have not studied the history of slavery (as I know tearing down monuments has taken priority over education with leftists). There are sooo many articles out there to educate you but you refuse to accept facts.

The Democratic Party Is the Party of Slavery and Segregation

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

Look, I have stuff to do so am moving on but you need to realize that America is a great country and we should all be grateful to be Americans (instead of apologetic, anti-patriotic "victims").
0 ups, 4y
What is your proof?
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    If You Don't Buy It, You Ain't Black! STEAL; STEAL; Media Endorsed; With Tepid Introduction by Barack Obama; JOE ADMITS TO "THE MOST EXTENSIVE & INCLUSIVE VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION" IN AMERICAN POLITICS