Oh, now you want a thorough investigation? The fact of the matter is, there are ton of procedures to prevent wide scale and meaningful fraud. Trump had adequate time to reinforce the security around mail-in ballots, he chose to pre-emptively demonize them as an out in case he lost in November. The fact that you feel the need to resort to namecalling in a civil discussion proves your obvious bias and therefor you'd be content to investigate this until 2024. Just as you accuse Democrats of doing last year, making you no better, and just more the same. Business as usual. Depressing. I'm not afraid of the truth.
I welcome evidence that can be double checked and investigated.
But Democrats never said there was fraud in voting, Republicans did, when Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. Democrats, despite saying there was foreign interference, never blamed pollsters, machines, nor any of the process. Their concern was primarily the flow of information of foreign propaganda to influence the election. The Republicans admitted it happened when they went after Facebook and Google and slapped them with litigation for accepting rubbles from political ads for American politics. A huge no no.