You people are never going to change. You never want to respect people different from your own crazy ‘normal’ which doesn’t even make sense. You are obviously to stubborn, thick headed and phobic to ever see when you are in the wrong. This argument could go on forever and the only thing any of us would gain would be a few extra points. (I actually got up to 4,000 so that was very helpful, thank you!) And I will have you know that almost always they/them pronouns do not signify a specific gender within boy or girl, but rather a non-binary gender outside of that. Those genders very much exist and the denial of that is blatantly enbyphobic (it’s a real word, if you don’t know what it means then look it up.) And excuse me for trying to stand up for a community that has been oppressed for hundreds of years, and in many countries being LGBT+ is punishable by death.