"Thats funny because I never see Democrats calling for violence. But i always see Republicans calling fort violence and division and hate."
Maxine Waters literally called for violence. Also, the left refuses to denounce the violence of Antifa so you seem to be severely misinformed too.
"The Sec of H&HS telling tRUMPers to stock up on ammunition"
Assuming the context doesn't just make this another shit point, then Sec of H&HS is trash... That doesn't mean Republicans are.
tRUMPf "Liberate Michigan"
They should.
tRUMPf "be ready"
He denounced the violence in the full context. Joe Biden didn't...
tRUMPf "good people on both sides."
Was actually talking about peaceful protesters in context. In fact, David Duke endorsed Biden because he said the Trump admin didn't help his organization. So, how embarrassing when the alt-right agrees with the left... Because their goals are the same.
tRUMPf's threats to the protestors in Minnesota.
Every sane person wishes he wouldn't just make threats and do it. For all your grandstanding for hating violence, you sure hate violent people getting called out.
tRUMPf's "Liberate Virginia (basically a call to arms.)
Except it wasn't. Did you ever stop to notice that all your points are out of context or just words? Someone talking shit all day doesn't burn down my business.
tRUMPf suggesting shooting border violators in the legs (which tRUMPf himself deserves.)
They should. It is unfair to all the immigrants trying to come in legally that they have to wait because of all the illegals coming in. But I digress and again, only words.
tRUMPf calling out the media in EXACTLY the same manner as Hitler.
If only he would actually silence them like Hitler did. Because censorship is effective. Oh wait, twitter, facebook, and google have all been caught censoring conservatives. Yikes, I guess you like people acting like Hitler more.
Telling the police "Please, don't be too nice."
Agreed. Police are more likely to ease up on black people than whites and whites actually are over represented in shootings based on population and encounters. That is actually racist.
Claiming Representative "Body Slammer" was "his type of guy"
Seriously, did you actually read your point? You want to prove that he is calling for violence, but this is what you come up with?
"I could shoot someone and I wouldn't lose voters."
He wouldn't. In context, again, he was absolutely right. He is fighting evil people and so conservatives will vote for him.