Syd, even the article egos is linking to, contradicts what egos said in this post.
Yes, egos quoted the part that starts "In the south..." which apparently flew right past egos' brain, because the words "In the south" were a giant clue that that section of the article applied to... I know you're ready for it, but is egos? Yes, it applied to the south.
Apparently when you're desperate to try and prove institutional racism in the police, you entirely skip the institution known as the free north, and focus on the slave era south. Yeah, that's the ticket, hey egos?
The same article also points out: "The first publicly funded, organized police force with officers on duty full-time was created in Boston in 1838." Something tells me this police force was not "started as night watchmen to capture runaway slaves in the South." as egos tries to claim as the genesis for police in the US.
So once again it appears we have a snowflake who feels they can cherry pick certain "facts" from an article, ignore other "facts" from the same article, all in an attempt to prove their point.
I haven't dealt with egos before on imgflip, as far as I recall, but if this is the level of intellect displayed, and reflects the amount of effort egos puts into posting... then egos is not even worthy of an argument.